post dodos and sell your stupid fucking turnips already
Animal Crossing
My game fucking Black screen of death me.
Fucking kill me
don't have a dodo just wanted to say that Katt is the best villager
7WXMK here, think it crashed. I'll rehost if anyone is interested, 443 on the nips plus Sahara has stormy weather wallpaper
I'm going to have fat turnip prices tomorrow but everyone is going to make fun of my shitty island
whats her appeal? i wanted either her or pheobe for a sisterly villager
they still have to point up when they laugh while you're sitting on a mountain of bells
>small spike at 95 percent for tomorrow
After literally three fucking weeks in a row of decreasing patterns I'll take it.
I managed to survive with the money but lost the stormy wallpaper. I'll come back for it.
she looks like a 90s cartoon character
I think Im a furry now.
I'm interested
I'm just kinda spitballing terraforming ideas here but i'm married to the multi-tiered housing area, a "secret path" leading to Redd and a crescent moon lake with a forest in the middle of it.
Any ideas? The actual pathing isn't final; i'm gonna tweak it a lot more when I actually start building.
>crash 4 times on other anons islands
>finally sell and return home
>Nips at 573
DYG2H, gates are open
She looks appropriately bratty for an Uchi without being gaudy
post the code, ill tip you
congratulations Nigger
Code doesn't seem to be working.
It's kinda hard to do multi-tiered housing while also giving every villager a 20x20 personal block
One sec, grabbing my turnips
Post your dodo code I’ll love you
Had to rehost,
They're all in boxes.
No, I don't know where they are, you'll have to check the houses.
Dodo is NG64T
No items on the ground
I set the turnip prices to 4.
Shut up retard
I was just messing with you. It looks neat.
Three weeks in a row I've had 50%+ chance of a large spike on my prices, it was up to 95.4% just this morning.
But the game fucked me again, right up the ass considering I went all in with 1,000,000 bells after last week was decreasing.
I wanted to get off Daisy Mae's wild ride once and for all.
looks fine to me, each house has a good amount of space, and I always like to see a structured neighborhood.
to the 573 user, ill be back to sell more shit and buy from sahara
You were always a furry, let's be real here. That picture is probably older than most of Yas Forums
>Cheating at animal crossing baby game
Holy shit this board is C A S U A L
fuck off
>Leave for lunch with phone up
>Come back, old thread died, think it's safe to put phone down
You guys are savage.
I hate to be you user
I haven’t hit my 5 Mil bell goal but so far I’m up 3.1 million bells.
I can pay off my house with ease
i like inviting anons over but cutscene hell is hellish
Cool design that fits the uchi personality really well in my opinion
Lemme prepare real fast and I'll open up
If you're still around, I'm still interested in the sabertooth tail. HTQ39
Hack in my favorite character Mabel moving out and I’ll blow you user
>virgin coomer villagers
>chad robot villagers
Anyone have villagers moving out? I have a freshly opened lot
give me 5 min
no blow tho
Does joining hacked islands fuck up your save?
would rather he be cranky
Not him but I've got the sabertooth tail and loads of other fossils if you need anything else.
brt user, thanks for opening. Do you need anything? Craftables, bells?
Shit, sorry user. I gave up and sold it. I hope you have good luck getting it though! I recommend trading like I did.
I don't understand why you don't just sell your nips at someone's island here on Yas Forums. Yeah the cutscenes are annoying and inconvenient, but with guaranteed massive profit you might as well. And it's almost daily that someone hosts with a good price.
The robots being jocks bugs the shit out of me since they constantly talk about activities that should be impossible for them
Boots is making a beekeeper's hive. I can post a code if there's any interest.
Is user with Hans making a golden floor still around?
A neighborhood with different elevation like that looks pretty neat. I should note that you can't put the third level cliff on the edge of the island, so the top part of the area with the reverse C shaped river will have a small walkway behind it
This is my new bf. Say something nice about him!
Katt and Deirdre are both high tier uchis for me. something about the natural looking colours maybe
Just sold so I'm good on cash, dunno what craftables are out there so idk.
or golden casket i mean
What other fossils you got besides sabertooth tail? I only need that, both ptera wings, the parasaur skull, the dino track and whatever the fuck Myllokunmingia is. Also is there anything you'd want in exchange?
It's all good, man.
Is there an actual reason why the online is utter dog shit?
yes please me and a friend would like to get it
user probably doesn't want to pay for online? Nothing difficult to understand there.
yeah, my islands still open, there isnt cutscene hell so i think no ones here atm. check the code from the previous thread
He'd look cool with a a leather jacket or a punk fit
My island has turnips going for 516.
Dodo is M1MB0
>I could've been raking in easy cash
>Forgot to buy on Sunday
Actually that whole part won't be possible exactly as you have it there. A cliff needs to be surrounded by ground on all sides
I genuinely don't think Nintendo gets having more than 1/2 people on an island, nor the idea that people can be patient watching pointless cutscene after cutscene.
Hell, just getting rid of the cutscenes and letting people arrive and depart without issues would be enough, yet...
He has a leather vest but I dunno why he has that sissy shit on
Reminder that if you're sick wear a FUCKING MASK before coming to my FUCKING ISLAND. If any of my villagers end up sick i'm coming for that ass, mark me.
Alright, im Kyle from Skellig. I shared with my gf too cause she needs to sell. Thanks a ton user.
I guess I wasn't the only one ready to put the dodo
I also have the left ptera wing, the parasaur skull, and the myllokunmingia. Don't really need anything in exchange.
nothing gets me off more than pozzing random user villagers with my supercharged infected loads
and thats a good thing.
>just learned the sneezing reaction yesterday
So something like this?
Should probably mention it, seeing as how that's a major puzzle piece missing. We're not mind readers here, fucking retard.
9WDFJ. Check the map for her
>He sold? Pump it.
If all your houses are filled with villagers, can you even get a new one via talking to someone else's that is moving out?
That's the joke.
it's HHRVQ, hans is still crafting and saharah is still around, might play planetside but keep an eye on my switch
It's ogre, my family. 1 million bells, 9k+ nips, all about to go away.
All I have now are just my custom designs to keep me company.