free PUBG with Pro subscription + free STADIA 2 month trial + old shitty office laptop = poor neet gaming wtf wow would be impossible 5 years ago. nice. DISCUSS.

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had 2 matches, finished 2nd and 7th, not bad for a beginner n00b

Can't be any more obvious than this shill thread.


whatever u say, i'm amazed how this is possible

I sometimes wonder if anyone outside of google themselves had any hopes for Stadia. But then again people were also backing the Ouya because they thought they would play Skyrim on it so anything might be possible.

dont have to waste 1000$ on gamer shitposting station. nice.

Why would anyone pay for a worse experience when they've already paid for a superior experience?

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kys shill

>multiplayer with shitty netcode on a service with shitty netcode
Where do I sign up?

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Holy shit, the social media Stadia promotion bots are still running?

they were reactivated yesterday for some stream or something

because poor neets did not pay anything in the first place?

Excuse me? Stadia does not save you money. If you were interested in games enough you already have a PC or a console. Or a phone for that matter. Stadia is being marketed towards people who somehow really like games but don't own anything to play them on and also don't care about the quality of the experience. These people do not exist.

Literally who?

>If you were interested in games enough you already have a PC or a console

i've had 2 expensive gamer PCs that i sold after getting burned out as a NEET. i'm not going through that experience again. i have a shitty laptop and i can satisty my rare craving to game without wasting money AGAIN.

>I'm an absolute retard with my money
>so you should listen to me about what you should be investing YOUR money in
Go fuck yourself, idiot. You're spending just as much money with Stadia and you're getting a worse result.

stop it mr tard, you dont know me or what i've been through, mr normie loser.
also learn to read mr tardo, they gave me a 2 month free trial so i'm paying nothing. and i won't feel ripped off if ever i do subscribe for 10 bucks a month.

It's amazing how it's always the fault of the same group of people. #supportstadia

I don't believe a fucking word you're saying, retarded shill. You're trying to tell me you have blazing fast Internet speeds and you don't own a good PC. That's not how this shit works, moron. Stadia has no audience. Everyone with the inclination to play games already has everything they need to play games. This person you're pretending to be doesn't exist.

This post is objectively wrong. You literally pay for the controller (optional) and then for the games and that's it. Even if you pay for the monthly 4k subscription, it's the same price as Xbox Live/PSN.

you can take the blue pill, mr cattle and go back to believeing whatever you want to beleive. i told you as it is. yes i have 25mb internet and a shitty laptop. and i'm a 31 y/o neet with a gamer burnout syndrome.

google is really desperate for stadia
last year they threw a programming competition at my university and they shilled the fuck out of it there

And you're not going to convince anyone that you're some hardcore gamer that doesn't own a PC or a console already.

ESL shill fucks like you deserve to be rangebanned. Go back to shitting in your designated shitting street.

ok tardo schizo, take your pills. bye bye :)

>Stadia users

Corona killed the Stadia

into the trash it goes

more like gave it life :)
all the quarantined normies with shitty office laptops can now discover gaming without paying 1000$ like all those loser hardcore gamers

or they could just use geforce now for the same thing but better

Except Dev's are killing GeForce Now sadly.

nah, i tried it, you have to buy games there but stadia game me free pubg and like 10 more free games for 2 months then its 10$/month, which i wont continue since i'm a burned out neet, i just needed my occasional fix.

It still has vastly more games than Stadia does.

>free PUBG

If you want to rent """"free""""" games then xcloud & game pass will also be a better deal.

even the shills are low rent.

but it's not for windows, its phones only, i just googled it

take your pills, schizo

That's because it's in beta. It will be better when it's a full release.