You have a minute to find a game NO ONE hates

you have a minute to find a game NO ONE hates

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came here to say this

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The Last of Us 2

I fucking hate Tetris
30 fps lock

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>commie vidya game that rewards conforming

Cave Story



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based pong never fails

Line Rider

jacking off

the game_______________

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based on what?

F-zero GX
Tetris DS
Chrono Trigger
Elite Beat Agents
We Love Katamari

Hate these

Fzero gx and paper Mario ttyd


Death Stranding

Liked sr3, tried this one out but the controls were bad so I refunded it quite fast

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>F-zero GX
>Tetris DS
>Chrono Trigger
>Elite Beat Agents
>We Love Katamari

Ass Creed II

call of duty

>Hate tetris
>lists Tetris DS
big think

lol, turn based rpgs suck

I already found it.
Can't tell you the name because doing so would no longer make the assertion that no one hates it true.

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based on what?

Ghost Trick


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Imagine being such a pathetic contrarian that you hate Pong

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based on pong of course

on turns idiot

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The Last of Us 2! Game of the year only 50 days away!

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fallout 4 and skyrim
in fact, everyone should go buy another copy right now

arcades metal slug and house of the dead

Original Tetris is outdated af imo
TGM and DS, even Puyo Tetris dab on that trash

everybody loves Mojipittan, Stayvun

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Chrono Trigger is overrated glorified shit

I hate all games

I like Cross better but tons of normies and dbzfags hate it


nobody talks about it either so

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Puyo Tetris > all except for the way it shits on Puyo.

gacha games
the last of us 2
every paper mario after super
sword and shield
mighty number 9
and my personal favortie: sonic 2006

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Double Hate this one


In a world with rampant contrarianism, this is impossible.


Don't hate those, but clearly overrated


>rampant contrarianism
How can it be stopped?

Roller Coaster Tycoon 1/2

Metal Gear Rising

Shit, I don't hate any of these!
Thread winrar!

>he pretends to hate what he hasnt played

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by killing all niggers and making a white ethnostate.

Kill sony ggers who only hate games because they are not on their console.


>rampant contrarianism
no such thing here retard


Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby
That bitch was fun af

Mario 3

how can you hate tetris?
it is like hate sex


no one hates pong

>hates cave story
unironically kill yourself please

You Dumbass. Kill trannies and people with dyed hair and make a based nation.

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People think dont like = hate

I do not enjoy playing tetris, but I dont hate it.

good on YOU I love MARIO 3

river city ransom

super mario bros

There's no one out there who hates Megaman 4.
You either recognize for how great it is, or you grew tired of Megaman by the time you reached 4. But the people who would actually hate Megaman 4 never played it as they played Megaman 2 or even 3 before and didn't like those either, so why would they play 4?

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so you dont hate it?

rent free, youve never even seen a tranny, they dont exist. boogie man rent free in your head

>I fucking hate Tetris

I hate the fans and Pixel, that fag is lazier than Leiji Matsumoto

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No I dont, but also not that person.
I bet that person also does not *hate* tetris

nigga it literally said "I fucking hate tetris"

who are you quoting?

I don't hate it per se. In fact, I think it is a perfectly good game. But I did grow up with DKC3, and quite liked it, but people on the internet kept shitting on it for being worse than DKC2. Though I initially had somewhat of a defensive stance towards DKC2 due to how its fans seemed to treat DKC3.
Nothing about the game though. Game's fun as fuck.

I’ve actually seen a tranny. I went to school with one. Dude looked tweaked constantly. I’ve also seen multiple trannies on the street. I live in America dude, I see all kinds of the political(autism) spectrum

Try playing that shit now bruh

Rayman Legends

And how have they impacted your day to day existence in any way?


I hate all video games, you all lose.

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Origins > Legends

Elite Fag Agents

uniorinically the worst 2d mario

Stronghold Crusader

jedi outcast

They’d constantly shove an agenda everywhere. I’ve met multiple trannies at parties too. Some are pretty cool. But a lot of them are constantly shoving agendas everywhere especially when I bring up the topic of gaming. Also I literally just made a joke right there and you’re saying “seethe” just like that user made a nigger joke. I have black friends who I make nigger jokes with and I know they browse here too. Stop getting so mad.

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deus ex. Anyone who hates it isnt actually human anyways so it doesnt matter

Then this entire thread is nonsense, because the answer is "literally any game". Anyone autistic to Hate with a capital H a game they don't enjoy doesn't count as a person.

It's obvious that OP meant a hyperbolic version of "hate".



Who said seethe?
How does their agenda impact you in any way?
