Look at what Kamiya showed.
Look at what Kamiya showed.
Shitty way to announce a delay just a pic of moonrunes eshop
Yeah, you're only supposed to tease good news like this. It's like he's playing a mean spirited joke on fans opening the pic expecting to see something good.
What delay
That's the date it was always coming out on in japan.
Game is supposed to come out in May. Screenshot in OP has a different date.
If it's listed on the eshop, is it up on psn?
So basically it's a big nothing, most likely Kamiya just showing off that the game's on the eshop at all.
What I want to know is when are our backer copies gonna ship? Will we still get them two weeks before the official release, so near the end of May now?
Either way this sucks, I had planned on finishing W101 before XCDE came out but now it looks like I'll have to juggle both games.
I just want to know if they're shipping backer copies early or not. I don't really care, I'm just wondering.
Well going by it looks like backer copies should be going out next week.
I do feel you though, I'm working on finishing FFVII Remake so I have plenty of time before Xenoblade drops. This makes the time crunch all the more crazy, not to mention I'm having to wait for my copy to be forwarded on because I'm moving.
>playing xcde at all
get some taste m8.
backers get the game april so we're totally getting it tomorrow frens!
Backer copies get the game earlier?
Yes by two weeks
2 weeks ahead of release.
I'm still pissed that the PC physical is just a code in a box.
Where the hell is the Steam page?
Can't wait to pirate it.
Who cares about this moralfag tokushit trash game?
That's how all PC physical releases have been for yesrs
eat my entire ass, if we don't complain about it now then it's going to happen to your shitty console games too
Soon, Wonderful Yas Forumsros...
>when you already have a publisher and funds
people are idiots
It was a glorified pre-order and they were pretty open about that in the first real interview like a day after the KS launched
Most pc build doesn't even include DVD-drive.
you have got to be one of the dumbest people alive if you thought it was going to be anything else
Pretty much. All that mattered was making sure the game got its second chance that it deserved.
Unironically why would you use physical for PC at this point, or even expect it. Like I get it in 2004 when you would get nice big boxes but its not like your games are going to get removed like when PSN shuts down or something.
Its easier for literally every single party involved unless you have shit download speeds. If it bothers you so much you know you can literally just MAKE YOUR OWN physical copy right?
7.6GB bros, what a neat filesize
I only backed enough for a physical copy, but I might pick it up digital as well.
I put over 150 hours into the original but haven't touched the game since like 2014, so I'm curious how much muscle memory I still have.
>more Toku trash by Platinum
I got blocked for saying "yo whats up" to him
I just want my code you fucker, I backed your scam give me my PC code Reeee
>guy makes a video on trying to find out how many people hes blocked in total
>goes all the way to a Japanese game thing just to personally ask him
>can't even speak japanese
>Kamiya has a shit eating grin while looking through his phone to find out how many people hes blocked
I think it was like 70,000
Can someone ask Kamiya in ching chong when backers get their keys?
One of the community milestones of the KickStarter was "Kamiya Unblocks Everyone" and it reached that goal. Project G.G. isn't coming out until 2024 at the rate he has to unblock everyone