Fact, there has never been a good ww1 game!
Fact, there has never been a good ww1 game!
>sit in trench all day
>randomly die to artillery
Such great gameplay, retard
They have to put some sort of edgy supernatural twist into. Like at night you transform into a werewolf ubermensch supersoldier and cross no man's lands to rip and tear the fuck out of bongs.
probably be a horror game more than anything else.
Battlefield 1
Verdun is good
>Great War
>all games are actually trash
>Battlefield 1
trench broom would be fun I reckon
It's literally a modern shooter with a WW1 skin
You could make a survival FPS shooter, were you're a lone bong isolated behind enemy lines.
Campaign was good.
>They have to put some sort of edgy supernatural twist into.
it's a horror/action game, and you fight the supernatural, and enemy soldiers;think cold-fear, and make the supernatural resurrecting inhuman uncanny valley versions of the soldiers you killed, and add some wondrous scripted segments with some boss-like/mini-boss like enemies that keep re-occurring;can't be killed. think Mr.X, but it's a variety of Mr.X's you can approach. I'll take my raise thank you.
How active are the servers?
Trench warfare RTS with managing supply lines. Could be fun
That's not even ww1 nor is it good
it could be a good strategy game but concessions would have to be made to actually play well, basically machine guns and barbed wire would have to be nerfed.
Verdun and Tannenburg are pretty good.
Although my potato pc has issues running them sometimes
I haven't played in a while, but they're still updating it regularly. Last updates were March 19 and April 1.
Currently about 400 people online right now according to Steam.
>Brainlets thinking the entire war is the same as the western front
translation: I didn't like it therefore its bad!
Sorta related but if you want to watch a good ww1 documentary then watch they shall not grow old
The Darkness. the. fucking. otherworld. Legit nightmare fuel.
You can find decently populated servers now thanks to corona (at least in europe)
It's not really about WW1, it just has a WW1 segment, which is cool.
But to be fair the WW1 parts are so well done.
>which is cool
Yes, I said that.
try mid day in na or eu and you'll find a couple full servers, they'res also bots tho so it dosent matter really.