>Tell me, Jolyne. If the resolve of the Joestars is so great, then how come there are no good JoJo's Bizarre Adventure games?
Tell me, Jolyne. If the resolve of the Joestars is so great...
Heritage for the future exists
7th Stand User is kino
All Star battle wasn't terrible for what it is.
But we can all agree on Eyes of Heaven being trash despite some honestly pretty good fanservice, right?
>pretty good fanservice
>Jonathan is not the one to kill DIO
How broken is it?I have seen some Kakyoins and Hol Horses vids where the enemy is basically stunlooked forever
>Self insert fanfiction
>most players are trannies jacking off to their self insert
>Gameboy looking shit
>RPG maker
>Glitchy as shit and has unreadable text unless you download hundreds of things to stop it from failing and crashing
yeah, nah.
Can you stop making the same threads with the same replies?
These and the GioGio's Bizarre Adventure game are pretty much the 3 good games we got
Rank the parts. You know you want to.
>>Glitchy as shit and has unreadable text unless you download hundreds of things to stop it from failing and crashing
But the only thing you might need to download in the font fix?
4 > 7 > 3 > 6 > 8 > 2 > 1 > 5
JoJolion isn't done so it's not ranked
>part 6 bad
2/3-4-1> whatever that borefest that happened after was
Only broken character is Petshop and even then it's doable. Kak's a pain but he's gotta be properly good.
Part 8 is unable to be ranked yet
found the retard that hates stands and still has tantrums because hamon never returned
Imagine thinking SO is good
>hurr durr character we've never saw before is DIO's best friend/tool and kills all the joestars
>Giorno doesn't reappear because Araki realized GER would kill his story even though the sons of DIO were a specific plot point and they specifically heard the call
>MiH is stupid OP and the concept is dumb as hell
>Pucci is one of the most boring antagonists ever
Only the first half is bad
There's no good way to make Jojo battles into a video game.
Pucci was entertaining as fuck. Him and Weather carried the part.
7 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 1
8 is coming to an end soon so I'd put it after 3 but maybe behind 4, not sure.
I also don't like this ranking method because I did enjoy parts 1 and 5 a lot just not as much as the other ones.
>he got filtered by Dragon's Dream
sorry could I have 3 or more chapters explaining this stand before it does anything please?
>he got filtered by Dragon's Dream
Why is DD such a meme?
It was honestly one of cooler Stands up until that point and I had no idea people hated it until recently
This is just me personally, and I don't hate any of the parts
>implying the start of part 6 is bad
>forgetting about the straight up copyright infringement of jolyne by dolly parton rat chase scene
>the autism that is both foo fighters and the design of foo fighters
>all the the kino jail shenanigans like the hangout room with baseball kid
ASB was honestly good, wasn't perfect but balanced gameplay and fanservice pretty well.
Araki sees Phantom Blood as his bad Hokuto fanfic and he loves to jack off Jotaro, don't expect Jonathan to have much agency in any future games.
Correct, JoJo isn't similar to other battle manga because most of the characters posses strange abilities with certain limitations that only work in certain scenarios, you can't put two JoJo characters in the middle of a flat terrain and make them fight unless they're part 3 characters from the main cast.
I like them all, and my enjoyment without any one of them would be significantly hampered.
How the fuck can ANYONE like part 4? It's easily one of the worst parts, only part 5 can be worse