There are types of people in this world

there are types of people in this world
those who grew up playing pc, aka pc chads; and those who grew up playing consoles, aka console virgins. which one are you?

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Pc chad reporting in

Console peasants are probably too embarrassed to post ITT

Both because im a zoomer

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Grew up with both, but the natural process is always the older you get - you tend to go to the PC.

I'm a console virgin but have sex irl.

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i had both, and growing up with only a pc could have fucking sucked

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I grew up playing on Amiga before moving onto PC when my dad got one


PC Chad, parents thought us having a console would make us spend too much time playing vidya. Jokes on them, we just played hotwheels games and lego games all day on the pc

Wow that's great, I would love to introduce some little girls to video games at my computer! I would pick a better game than Bubsy, though :)

Yeah growing up in the 80s, there sure were oh so many pc chad games out there, right bro? Who cares about Mario and Sonic, the games all your friends play. No way you're a weirdo.

I played a bit of doom when I was like 5 got bored of it then played crash

Haha funny dog goes WOW

why did you steal this picture from reddit? what are you trying to imply here?

>haha funny turtles have ninja weapons and talk

I can be a retard too, see?

PC and emulated all console games I wanted

>grow up with pc
>have a lot of fun with pc games
>halo was my first online fps followed by counterstrike
>dad gets a ps2
>me and my brother play it
>dad gets a gamecube
>me and my brother and my cousins all play timesplitters 2, swapping memory cards, making maps, playing 99 lives on subway
>been on consoles ever since

I don't know guys, if you have friends consoles just seem like a better choice to me


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I was originally a console virgin, then switched to pc in my teens, and now have switched back to console because i realised console is actually just much better. Apart from anything you get to sit on a couch and play on a tv screen.

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I see...
I wasn't implying I was though.


>cutie on the right
>'necklace' around her neck

Most of my friends are PC chads now and all of use were `console virgins` I though it was the usual? You grow up and save money for the superior machine?

grew up fucking your mom lol

dumb fag
I have no friends and I still enjoyed consoles

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I thought one of them was Ulillillia for a second there.

where's the dryer sheets?

yes you saved the pic once you'd posted here whats your point?

i'm sorry you have no friends user

>PC in the 90s
>when PCs were extremely expensive because they were meant to be working machines and not something for leisure
>computers like Amiga where you had to change floopy disks often, like in adventure games where the main hub was a disk and other areas were in another disks

Shit was annoying. It only got better in the 2000s with pcs getting cheaper and easier to get and disc format.

PC chad

you know what's virgin? having your desktop PC in your living room, nothing beats that

pc cunnychad

user, only poor people do that... usually its called the family PC

>better game than Bubsy
Fat chance

PC first but pretty casually, then console / handhelds, then shortly after PC and console equally, and after a while I abandoned consoles

yer a moran, link it to the tv to watch movies.

I really hope that it isn't a serie of picture

it's not
OP literally just took this pic from