Do some 3rd party devs have a blatant bias against Nintendo?

Do some 3rd party devs have a blatant bias against Nintendo?

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EA still salty about the Wii U Origin shit I see

Why are Nintendo fans complaining about something that isn't related to Nintendo?

Because EA started a partnership with Stadia despite it selling poorly and they've yet to give Switch any worthwhile support despite being almost at 60 million sold I'm guessing

>Port begging
Of course.

To be fair I don't blame EA; the Switch's hardware is too weak to run their games. Same reason why Capcom can't port anything made with the RE engine.

Nintendo is for beta males

Hasn't stopped plenty of other developers
Maybe they're just lazy

EA does.
I honestly don't understand why someone would portbeg anything from EA. When was the last time they made a good game?

Is this bait?

Capcom said it can run RE Engine, unless they lied

>the Switch's hardware is too weak to run their games
This is just a piss poor excuse as this point considering what other devs have been able to port

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Stadia can't run them either, its all being streamed instead

Playing the PC port of Daemon X Machine was an eye-opening experience

>Cheap-looking artsyle
>Maps are super tiny even compared to PS2 era mecha games like the Another Century Episode games
>Missions are no longer than three minutes

It reminded me of the PSP Valkyria Chronicles games. That just confirms that the Switch is just too weak to run, let alone develop games with any sort of complexity. So no wonder EA doesn't want anything to do with it.
And let's be honest here: why would you want EA games in the first place?

Other developers' games are either built from the ground up for the Switch or aren't graphically intensive or densely populated with objects, complex maps or enemies.
Porting to the Switch is pretty much the equivalent of porting arcade games to the NES: you were pretty much building a new game from the ground up. EA doesn't want to bother with that and they don't have to do anything to run their games on Stadia: just installing them on Google's servers.

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nintenfuckers are an embarrassment

How well does it run? That trash is filled with all kinds of particle effects, I can't imagine it doing to well on switch unless they toned it down a lot.

Not sure why tendies would be angry about EA not being on their system. Seems like a 100% win situation.

EA hasn't even had any good good games in like 5 years, why do they care?

When are Nintendies gonna finally comprehend that the Switch is a last gen console and you can't just port shit to it willy nilly? I'm not even a console gamer period, so I have no dog in this fight

I honestly can't remember the last time I bought an EA game. It might have been Dead Space on Steam.

I mean, no shit Fallen Order isn't going to run on the Switch. Why the hell would anyone buy a Switch for anything but exclusives?
The real travesty here is that Stadia is receiving any attention at all. It needs to wither away in the dark. It'd represent an existential threat to consumer rights if it weren't shit.

>EA puts FIFA on Switch
>Runs horribly and bombs
>Nintendo fans:"Ha ha, we didn't want EA games anyways, we have actual taste"
>EA puts their games elsewhere
>Nintendo fans:"wtf EA? How could you do this us?

They're literal children: they want something because someone else has it, not because someone has it.
It's the same with pic related even when Shin Megami Tensei, the superior Atlus series, is exclusive to Nintendo systems.

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>or aren't graphically intensive or densely populated with objects, complex maps or enemies.
Name some games like this
>Porting to the Switch is pretty much the equivalent of porting arcade games to the NES: you were pretty much building a new game from the ground up.
You can tell this is an armchair developer who doesn't know what they're talking about

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>Defending EA
What has this board come to

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>Runs horribly and bombs
FIFA on Switch is just a roster update with no effort put in. Why would people buy that?

We aren't the ones passive-aggressive begging for EA games.

Who are you quoting?

Why would you play Jedi Fallen Order when you can play Sekiro?

Oh wait

>Witcher 3 on switch

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>Who are you quoting?

This people here:

>A doesn't want to bother with that and they don't have to do anything to run their games on Stadia: just installing them on Google's servers.
Citation Needed

The Nepshit devs
The Titninja guy hates Nintendo(and PC) so much that he just quit making games instead of telling Sony to fuck off.
Bethesda before the Switch
Rockstar because some Body harvest drama shit.
The twisted side of Bandai Namco like Tales of, idolmaster and whatever random game they decide not to put on it.

The old EA would have made ports for all the consoles despite hardware differences

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Was a different time. Back then publishers just ordered a different game to be made for handhelds. These days they literally just have to press the port button but can't because some butthurt.

>Somehow hating Nintendo
They just ported Catherine, and have been supplying them SMT as well as Persona spin-offs.
Switch-onlys really just want everything don't they?

hahahaha, switchfags

I dont see any portbegging

Your sore ass is showing. Atlus has been horrible on Switch which is just weird because they were a beast on the 3ds.

Porting games to any platform, be the Switch, PC, the PS4 or the Xbox isn't a obligation.

Some developers feel fine with the sales they get from a single platforms
Some developers don't want to risk money on a port.
Some developers can't afford to redirect money and resources on a port.
Some developers feel that their game won't feel right on other platforms
Some developers don't think that their games will sell on other platforms

Are they losing money on potential sales? Maybe. So what? it's their problem, not yours.

Senran Kagura was absolute dogshit so nothing of value was lost. Why you faggots defend that mediocre series like we were robbed of Ninja Gaiden is something I will never understand.

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Yes, tell them shills, tell them our current games can't run.

Oh, and be sure to tell them to buy our port of Burnout Paradise for 49.99 too!

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