Gears Tactics and Game Pass show Microsoft is serious about PC gaming

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Gamepass is a retard bait to install win10.
Then they sell your info to advertisers and that's where money come from.

It's a good game, I like it.

you need to be sub 80iq to prefer this windows store uwp shit over egs/steam/gog

Maybe don't put personal info anywhere on the internet in the first place?

Over steam/gog? Nope, it's shit compared to them. Over epic? Absolutely.

>Do we use an image of the main character?
>Nah, go for the black non-character
Haha good ol' Verge.

yeah they're serious with their retarded prices

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> he thinks that win 7 has no tracking

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Isn't this supposed to be a spin-off? It makes sense to not use the main characters then, I suposse.

Gears is really good so far super smooth and polished

she's an integral character, the first sniper you get

Do you seriously believe Win7 has no tracking.
Fucking moron.

Stop being poor lmao

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That's nice and all but when are we going to get something that isn't Gears, Halo, or Forza? Do they seriously think those franchises will sell the new Xbox?

every program on your computer that connects to the internet sells your data retard

and windows 10 will be required for games anyway since everything will be switching to dx12

unless you're playing on Tails(protip you can't) you're getting tracked you fucking retard

Gears Tactics is PC Only?

i'm just waiting for AoE4 and flight simulator


>sonygroid concern trolling about what sells on xbox
>nothing anywhere close to gears, halo, and forza, on the roachstation

It isn't but it hasn't released on Xbox yet.

Yeah I'm sure microsoft is thirsty for those hundreds of thousands of people that will migrate to win10 just to use game pass, they surely need those and they absolutely don't have hundreds of millions of users on win10 already. Sure thing.
Self-centered retard.

Forza Horizon is 10x more fun than anything on PS4.

The only game from Microsoft I give a fuck about is Forza, but I'm not installing Winshit 10 just for that.

stop staying stuck in the past loser

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My operating system is from $current_year though.

I love Forza, it's the single reason I installed Win10. But if they can't make something new Sony is destroy them again, which isn't good since they want to be fags and censor our games.


Is 32bit windows 10 a thing? Why?

So...almost no one buys this Game on Steam for 70$? It only has about 7k concurrent players lol

its only at that price in europe
