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>the absolute STATE of snoyfags

>$79.98 worth
can i download this money instead?

wasn't the ps+ increase a few years ago justified by "people" (if you can call sonybros that) saying that the ps+ games would be newer AAA tier releases?

>Game you already have on PC
>Game you already have on PC


lmao snoy trannies

this plus they also removed the vita nad ps3 games

so glad I stopped that shite

it was just hopeful bullshit.

Snoyfags can't stop losing

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I've been laughing at this trailer for 5 minutes, holy shit

this leak released a few days ago and it turns out to be the complete opposite HAHAHAHAHA

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unironically more likely to play these than all the other sony exclusives we've got so far

How many months in a row have we gotten absolute shit? I've lost track at this point

unironically looks like fun games

Truth be told they could stop giving out games altogether and 90% of people would stay subscribed since they don't have a choice if they want to play any of the popular games except fortnite, and the 10% who unsubscribed would break after a week.

You can't expect anything other than crap when plus or gold is required for multiplayer.

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And? They have been doing this for a while to push PSN Now

$80 in psn money would be way better that this shit.

you are right, the consumer is always at fault.


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>we humble bundle now

Things are changing slowly though. The FGC are moving to PC versions and the sheeps are following them. Wouldnt be surprising if it happened same shit with FIFA players eventually


this. What you gonna do? not buy it? lol

>those comments
>the dislikes

The past few months have been really good. If you've had the subscription since last year, and assuming you never played these games, you could've got: Uncharted 4, Bioshock colllection, Uncharted collection, SoTC, Nioh, TLOU, Wipeout, Sonic Mania. I don't think they make up for removing ps3 and vita games, but they're definitely not shit. This month is objectively shit though, and I'm curious why they'd think two sims are a good thing to bundle together.

The fighting game comunity that have been siding with the PS4 through tourneys and licking their balls. They got tired and moved to PC

>shadow of colossus on march
>dirt 2 and uncharted 4 on april

I knew some two months worth of shit would come


I wanted dying light and dark soula


Buy PS Now goyim. Microsoft is doing the exact same shit with gamepass. Gold members get scraps.

How the FUCK do we get Sony to change the games like some months ago when they announced that shitty PES soccer game and then replaced it with Detroit??

I'm not. I wont buy a ps5 because of paid online and havent touched my ps4 after finishing BB. Piracy > steamcucks anyway.

>Shadow of the Colossus remake

Weird, I just picked up a playstation for Christmas and the Plus games have all been pretty good so far. Does Sony usually drop the ball this hard?
t. idiort

I don't get it. What's so funny here? I'm not into Farming Simulator by any measure, but Cities Skylines is an incredibly good successor to the defunct Sim City series. The only thing I'm unsure of is their claim of the price, unless they're giving Cities away with a bunch of its DLC, or there are games besides those two present but unmentioned still (which happens).