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New AssCreed Reveal
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sounds based but they've managed to fuck up everything they touch. They made greek gods boring
Why do amerimutts love vikings so much?
Anglo-Saxons were based and redpilled
Greek people aren't brown
Assassin's Creed is a dead franchise and Unity was the last great entry
Stop posting this
Watching shit like this just makes me sad I never got into drawing as a kid. Watching someone make something from nothing is always so fascinating and especially with digital drawing it always feels like magic to me once they have the end result.
Fuck off Syndicate was great.
He was a good friend
>assassin's creed
>Make the castle
>Now destroy it
This is just stretching for time
Can we have one thread without an argument about religion please
>playing mhw
>they use megaman music for the megaman quest
>dmc music for the music quest
>no ac music for the ac quest
>stone castle ruins
>in viking age before they even started building stone castles
Good job, stream artist.
>in a world without gold
you can always learn...
Why did it take Ubisoft this long to figure out how to make hoods make sense? Why does the game treat the player like an amnesiac, constantly reminding you how to do a Leap of Faith and other basic controls? Why ditch the murder mystery sidequests? Why can’t the grappling hook be used in combat as an evolution to the rope dart? Why didn’t they use their second hidden blades more? Why didn’t Jacob and Evie just shoot half of their targets during all of those awful “boss fights”? Why were there modern story cutscenes of Assassins fighting Templars instead of missions?
Hot black chick aside, is Liberation worth playing?
Kino black flag ship boarding music
This castle will stand testament to those who defy varg.
Eziofags on suicide watch
Not everyone is born with that talent, i drew a lot of shit as a kid/teenager, it always looked like shit then and it never improved to this day.
Get a Sutton Hoo helmet on him already ffs
>tfw never played an Assassin's Creed
feels good man
in order to have a ruin, you first have to have a building. many artists who set onto depicting ruins will first make the building and then start wrecking it.
>start a hill
>a castle is built
>war starts
>the castle is destroyed in the war
this painting has a narrative
Hey, it might have been destroyed by vikingz?
Are there any surviving example of Scandinavian sailing music?
Pretty sure there's still a dude that doesn't even have a head.
If you played the whole Kenway saga and still want more (but not as good) then sure, go for it.
>make something from nothing
Concept art like this is 80% photo bashing.
>no sea shanties
I would say they're obviously raiding some other settlement but given how retarded AC has become I must assume they are genuinely retarded
>list made by 16yo zoomie
Was there ever anything interesting about greek gods other than, "wow, what a bunch of douchebags!"
With what? They didn't have castles so they also didn't have siege equipment.
There's some gems in there. 2 and Brotherhood are legitimately great. Black Flag is supposedly good but I was burnt out by that point.
Get those helmets on already boys
>Assassins Creed
Fuck that noise, Prince of Persia when?
>from nothing
>when they just copy paste real images and draw a little on them
I wish they'd kept the series close to the same level of philosophical musings and historical authenticity as presented in the original, but that gameplay loop...
I'm guessing the artist will misdirect it being missing or add a helmet.
It makes sense he might not work on the same thing exactly same amount of time.
Serious question, why isn't AC3 considered by far the worst one in the saga? Is it because it is set in the US so Americans give it a pass or what? I really don't get the praise it gets by so many people.
They really need to start dropping some sea shanties on this stream to finally achieve peak comfiness.
>Serious question, why isn't AC3 considered by far the worst one in the saga?
but it is. It's the one that tanked the franchise
There aren't any examples of any Scandinavian culture. They were barbarians.
The closest you will get is stuff from the 1700's-1900's.
Varg for MC
Hey, it works, doesn't it?
If this is a viking game then I hope there are more people than just the Norsemen and Anglo-Saxons. Britons, Picts, Dal Riatans, Irish, maybe even the Franks and Frisians.
Fat chance, they really, really hate Patrice Désilets.
I know that, I'm just saying it's not final and there are more obvious things than a guy still being bald.
>why isn't AC3 considered by far the worst one in the saga?
It usually is by most people (i personally still like it).
What are the chances that early middle ages northern europe will be full with niggers?
because unity happened
>but is a good game
it didn't matter because of the bugs, by the time it got fixed it was too late already
based and listpilled
People like it because it still had a relevant modern day section, and compared to recent games was better overall
How long till they actually show the game?
There are so many things wrong with this.
It literally is considered the worst one. I don't even dislike it, I enjoyed it. But comparatively it is the worst, and I think a large majority of people feel this way.
so considering kassandra has in canon lore been alive for since odissey till she handed the staff to layla how will ubisoft cram a """""easter egg"""" of her in everygame from now on?
Some people still have some taste but look even in this thread. Some guy put it above 2 and Odyssey ffs.
Seriously, everything is so bad in it. The map, the low buildings, the plot, even the gameplay feels dumbed down.
Zero but they'll still find a way to force it.
Liberation was better than 3 in my opinion.
Odyssey was pretty good in general if you didn't waste your time on all the stupid filler. Fun combat, nice aesthetics and of course my loving wife Kassandra.
It was at one point, but it got overshadowed by Unity's bugs, Syndicate's bleakness and Odyssey's memes
honest question,
does it really bother you if there are nigga viking or just regular town folk in these games?
like does it really take away from your enjoyment assuming you enjoy ass creed
I personally dont care much as long as it isnt centered around muh social justice or whatever
It's just a tedious chore of a game, and the King Washington DLC is just a forced hard mode.
It was hyped to shit for things like having a new engine, tree climbing, hunting, guns and bows, concluding the Desmond saga etc
If you're on about that ranked list near the top, it's one the oldest guaranteed replies troll posts on this website.
>still no new rayman game
I just wanna explore the glade of dreams in 3D again
>average brain of AC fans
They won't, Alexios/Kassandra were chilling in the cave for thousands of years.
>why isn't AC3 considered by far the worst one in the saga?
if anything I'm more interested in why you think there's people who don't think that way
I don't think I've seen much praise for the modern day sections at that point
it's the prologue that people seems to praise for me
>does it really bother you if there are nigga viking or just regular town folk in these games?
not really
but if i see a stave church in 900's scandinavia then im gonna flip
Not today. I'm pretty sure this dude drawing is the whole teaser, but who knows.
It got shit on a ton when it came out. But recently people have started looking back on it more fondly. Not really sure what changed.
Just because something doesn't survive to the modern day in written or built form doesn't mean it never existed. Anyway, what are the sagas?
It does for me since it takes points away from an immersive experience.
>Ever expecting a new 3D platformer in this day and age unless it's Mario or Indie
Lame as fuck wtf is there to even climb?
Shit on paper written by christian cucks.
No one liked the modern day sections
This is a Monastery/Castle ruin from 1000 years ago. Why does it look in better shape than one that was just built in Ass Creed?
"... and then the NORF attacked..."
ok boomer
well judging by Origins and Odyssey. Nothing. There will be settlements, trees and mountains.
towns youre raiding?
The wenches of towns vikings pillage to rape
Wrong, I like them
>dad absolute loves all the AC games
>i'm pretty lukewarm on them
>play all of them anyway so I can chat with him about them
>his favorite parts are the historical figures
>always calls me during playing new ones and asks if I've met specific people yet
>"have you met Sokrates yet??"
>he has 100%-ed every AC game on PC
AC games will always have a special place in my heart. I don't think any of them are masterpieces but I will always enjoy them because I know they're his favorite games.
It wasn't destroyed in a war
True it was written by Christians but still a surviving example of Norse culture (albeit heavily altered)
Is there meant to be something interesting about that brain?
There were elaborate fortresses and monasteries in England and Northern France at the time.
>england in early medieval age
Map is gonna look like that, calling it now
Pretty meh. Short and not terrible.
mud huts
maybe they well make some cool forests
>why isn't AC3 considered by far the worst one in the saga?
It is.
What bothers me is making game that's supposed to be based on real world but making it historically inaccurate to fit agenda. Just make it fantasy setting with it's own world and I wouldn't care.
They need something to base their designs for pagan temples on.
Big problem with trying to figure out what stuff from a wood-using civilization looked like, it never lasts til present day.
probably because it might have been destroyed by pillaging vikings or during a civil war with peasants?
perhaps it wasn't bombed to pieces during a siege? the monastery probably used better construction materials and more advanced engineering and was built in a good location which doesn't erode it away immediately.
Yes because it takes away historical accuracy and I like it when I learn real things from games. The real world has always been diverse in its own way, different cultures aren't race-locked. Scandinavia itself has a variety of regional accents and traditions, even people like the Kven and Sami. It's a disservice to your audience to inject modern notions into media that otherwise has so much historical faithfulness.
That one didn't get trebuchet'd to death.
Look at the picture from op
that would be pretty neat if you could sail the fjord, i'd love to see how right they got it
Your Dad sounds cool.
London will be in it
>hedeby and ribe is not included
nigga you fucked up
how old is he?
how old are you?
They should've made it a monastery or Roman walls, not a crenellated castle. 1. Stone castles didn't exist in pre-1066 England, 2. It would make sense for it to be in ruins.
I think they'd add northwestern Germany and continental Denmark as well for the Anglo-Saxons.
Unity's soundtrack is severly underrated. Nobody ever talks about it.
cute and wholesome
t. borgia
based boomer
I still love AC1. A remake that keeps most things the same, but makes information gathering more interesting and varied, gives the Kingdom area more content, makes parkour more fluent and nerfs counters would be great.
that doesn't look like a castle you'd use in a war
Why are people spamming "NO RPG" in the chat.
WHat did i Miss
It's normies being pissed that they can't 1v20 everyone from the getgo.
The idea of "temples" being these kinds of church-like structures though is pretty shaky. Temples in pagan Europe were most likely just areas of natural beauty. Idk about the Norsemen but the Druids conducted ceremonies in groves
>more asscreed shit
Call me when a new splinter cell or rayman gets announced
Odyssey is an ARPG game.
A lot of people don't like that it became an rpg for Origins and Odyssey.
Division on whether to return to AC stealth roots or continue as a Witcher 3 style RPG like Origins and Odyssey.
They want the next Assassin's Creed game with less rpg elements.
I'm gonna be pissed of there's no Jylland.
I never thought of doing ruins like that, I should try now, thanks!
I thought he deleted the whole thing for a moment
I played it way later after release. I loved the music, the setting and the story was pretty good and Haytham hard carried it. Too bad Connor was a bitch for an MC.
Personally I dislike 1 the most. Way too clunky.
I also think Brotherhood is mostly an overrated reskin of II while Revelations is way underrated.
I am also the freak that adored the Epic Maffia style multiplayer. I even got that badge in Brohood where you had to survive the whole round while still scoring a kill, it was intense as fuck.
They making an AC game cover or a new Winterfylleth album
If OP pic is an actual full castle and not a monastery it's even weirder that Vikings could take it out.
if anything
He's 66 and I'm 28.
Yeah he's pretty rad. He also plays on the hardest difficulty on all these games and when I tell him it may be easier with a controller or if he wants to learn to use one he just says "controllers are for faggots".
>Romans had no stone fortifications
That's what made the first game so great and everyone after so shit. Every character had a justification for their actions, good or bad, you could almost sympathize with them. You learned the Assassin's themselves weren't necessarily good, and the Templars not necessarily bad, but that the violation of people's minds and the corruptive power of the pieces of Eden were to be avoided.
That woulda been some shit man.
>AC Stealth route
Stealth was always shit in AC (except for Unity). Origins and Odyssey have the best stealth gameplay in the series yet they're RPGs.
Great heathen army made it all the way to Wessex though
I want to make a Sleepless in Syria joke but I don't remember if Ass Creed was in Syria
>breast bump
looks like we'll be fighting alongside some more strong independant females
Uppsala was real. They've found the foundations, and additional concentric circles of pillars around it recently, not to mention the numerous hsitorical records stating it existed.
Undo-button, niggers
Is this the obese nigger that makes 2005 era deviantart tier photoshops of soi shit?
AC became an ARPG series starting with Origins and some people didn't like that.
>hide in a bush
>no one in that group notices
>hide in a bush
yeah, great stealth gameplay
pretty good, it's true Odyssey's map pulled a lot of that
They should have the Saxon settlement of Lundenwic next to the Roman ruins of Londinium, that would be kino af
no shit, genius. it was still funny to see