So this is the power of esports

so this is the power of esports

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Just wait for VR e-sports.

what do you call this body type


Asylum Demon



Other than being fat I don't see what's wrong here.

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i don't get it, he has two double front?

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absolute unit

how can you let yourself get like that, I genuinely don't understand. Just stop eating nigga

De Blob

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reminder hes rich and this is his girlfriend

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im sure she puts out

You get fat, people pile hate on you for being fat, and you stress eat.

24/7 whores are not girlfriends

whats wrong with her face it just looks so puffed up

it's natural to reject unhealthy persons, it's the same reason you get nauseous when somebody around you vomits, its a safety measure

A heckin’ chonker!
UPDATE: thanks for the gold kind strangerino!

Be completely honest Yas Forums, how much do you weigh? 165 lbs here.

just stop eating lmao

Ah, I got it. He is a reddit tranny frog posting newfag!

Thats scos GF ya dummy

>Yas Forums making fun of anyone based on appearance

118kg here at 180cm

went from 230lbs to 170lbs

your mom

Fucking hell you may as well be in the gif in the OP, you fatso.

too much makeup

Is this true? I always felt bad for being disgusted by my few obese friends, especially when one wanted a hug or just happened to graze me with a passing touch, but it'd be nice to know it's not just me

are you retarded or just american

>implying that's a bad thing

6ft 160lbs

is this what pc gaming is really like?

Yas Forums

1.67cm 60kg I'm trying to gain more weight but eating is hard.

188lbs at 6'2, but I've been getting Yas Forums for a while now so a fair bit of that is muscle. Used to be 215 during high school

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I know it's off topic, but I can't understand it. People say it's hormonal dysfunction, but the laws of physics prevent energy from being created out of thin air, so these motherfuckers need to eat at least 10 pizzas and drink 5 liters of Coke per day to get to this point.
How can someone eat that much? Aren't these guys' jaws tired after a while?

Cringe, the post

You're not a professional weight lifter, fatty. 118kg is huge.

Nice, you look just like pic related, user. I totally believe you.

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the cartman

tak sie sklada ze to ja Mariusz tutaj

144lbs at 180cm. I was in the middle of gaining weight and hitting the gym before niggercorona hit and threw me off. I'm doing bodyweight exercises and just trying not to lose too much weight.

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I was 105kg at 175 and I was fat as shit
hell I am still fat as shit at 95kg

Seriously, I've seen them throw down over 3000 calories in one meal and I can't comprehend how that's possible

It is not a bad thing, but it is certainly hypocritical

O hój

125 lbs 5'8/5'9 I'm not really sure what my height actually is.

nigga eat

You can get a lot of calories in you by drinking them, ie gallons of coke and dew and whatnot
throw in melted cheese, carbs like french fries, hamburger buns and thick pizza crusts, and it's pertty easy to eat 4k cals per day

Do you scare crows for a living?

no kolege nie osądzaj kazdego zbyt szybko

Drinking calories is a lot easier than eating calories. It's often why people tell you to just restrict yourself to drinking water when trying to lose weight.

THE unit

