Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1588151394569.jpg (1902x2924, 2.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor Post.

Attached: ca3951ce045456b3a7130ea1a55cf7ac8505655f.png (1125x800, 948.87K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just killed a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1564009746543.jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)

I'm gonna request something big in a minute .

Charlotta stuck in a wall getting her butt spanked with wooden paddles. Both back view of the butt being spanked and front view of her reactions to being spanked.

Attached: 1587513675350.png (618x628, 243.38K)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: bruno-sa-de-araujo-gina-unreal.jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)

Requesting Amelias from sd ggen wearing lingerie

Attached: amelias.png (768x1024, 221.49K)

Should I just ignore the shit posting and draw what ever I want?

Requesting this, but with Sundowner walking towards "him" in the Dio and Jojo stances.

Attached: 1588099046666.png (645x836, 275.48K)

For the most part yeah

Whatever you think is funny, cool, or makes your pee pee hard.


Attached: 20200418_010453.jpg (454x1087, 379.87K)

requesting what? Female on male rape?

Requesting Jade meditating at a boardwalk or a beach bar front in front of scenery like this.

Attached: Jade Meditation.png (1173x603, 811.28K)

also, sauce plz

Requesting Elise exposing her panties in pantyhose.

Attached: Elise pantyhose.png (800x695, 333.79K)


Requesting Urbosa in a stealthy raiding outfit with a veil mask over her head. Make the scenario a bit lewd if you like if she's on a sneaky raping/pillaging raid. Maybe add some chainmail.

Attached: Stealth Urbosa.png (1360x663, 1.35M)

Requesting this with Vanilla the rabbit.

Attached: 08354354645.png (768x890, 289.83K)

Requesting the ZPCI Sniper in this shot of TF2's Sniper with "sniping's a good job mate"

Attached: sniper.png (635x985, 497.59K)

Requesting fanarts NOW

Attached: EWcv4dyUEAAFcpd.jpg (1920x1080, 377.15K)


Akasha with shorter hair, like a bob-cut or just cut to shoulder or mid-back length, or topless/naked and covering her big breasts with her hair

Attached: Akasha.png (1024x1024, 791.53K)

Alright its that time again, best reply to this post gets there drawing. Make it interesting, I aint here to cater to your dumbass fetish.

Drawing is from a couple threads ago.

Attached: 20200428_165120.jpg (2025x3267, 1.73M)

Requesting fart weight loss.

Attached: 8c5400b9df933eb44a4d64feb20ff04a (2).jpg (622x1018, 67.43K)

Requesting Naoto as a Jet Set Radio character. Either Hayashi or a graffiti artist in her own style.Maybe with her own victory phrase. Something like "Discombobulate!" or some other complex, verbose word.

Attached: Naoto Gone Bad.png (1583x702, 1.54M)

Ivan the space biker

Requesting this pose and outfit with Foxhound files.catbox.moe/1s86en.png

Attached: FoxhoundKai.png (912x1024, 1.15M)

Abe from Oddworld dressed like a janitor while riding on a ridable floor scrubber and possibly whistling a merry tune.

Attached: Pussywagon.png (1676x1096, 722.61K)

Yuffie from FFVII eating a bar of Butterfinger chocolate, or wearing a chinese dress, a slightly sexy evening dress, or a cute idol-like outfit

Attached: EVbhNX4U0AANRi3.jpg (600x848, 196.2K)

Requesting Shinya Oda from Persona 5 sucking on a guy's dick.

Attached: P5_portrait_of_Shinya_Oda~2.png (404x402, 104.95K)