What was the most disappointing game of your life?

What was the most disappointing game of your life?

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Saints Row the Third

Fallout 3. Why Bethesda can't write for shit? Does anyone even enjoy their stories?

Sticker Star

Mordhau, i backed the kickstarter and played it since closed alpha

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. It was total shit but I kept playing it. Got a corrupted save file right before the final boss and never looked back.

The state of gaming itself is a bigger disappointment than any individual game

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BioShock Infinite. Mostly because I bought a new Xbox 360 to play it, but then just pirated it on PC. Also it was bad.

>tfw fell for the hype
Never again did I ever pay full price for a game. Good thing too, as games have only gotten worse.

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No Man's Sky. But not because there's nothing to do, purely because it has genuinely the worst UI I've ever seen. I genuinely cannot play the game with it.

dark souls 2 hands down. stung extra hard because I played demon's souls blind right beforehand to get hyped.

Persona 5, I guess. I think I went in with reasonable expectations, and I certainly never expected to come away hating literally everything about it.

dark souls 3 hands down. stung extra hard because I played dark souls 2 blind right beforehand to get hyped.

Probably fable 2 or 3. I was so hyped after the original and they just sucked.


Mortal Kombat 11

Final Fantasy XIII

I expected SA 2 for some reason
Came around to like the game in the end though

is it me for being a depressed piece of shit or everything new seems shit or not interesting at all? thats not only for video games either even movies and anime

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Still angery

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brink. i got hyped about this game for ages before it came out, it looked like it was going to be fucking amazing. and then when it finally arrived, turns out it played like complete shit. NEVER got hyped for a game ever again

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Pokemon XY
I even liked the game at first, until I was replaying it shortly afterwards and realized I just wasn't having any fun. It was quite the powerful realization considering I still remember where I was at the time, that little swampy area where you get told the ghost story for no reason. It was the first time I didn't like a Pokemon game. I was mad as hell for years.

Xenoblade X, but only plot-wise.
Also Dragon Quest X not coming overseas.

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It's both

Same. I pre-ordered it and watched all the previous release stuff. Played it for two weeks and then It was fucking dead.

pokemon is literally just the same game over and over

We have consumed so much media in our lives that it has become difficult to excite us, and shit just keeps getting worse and worse every year because people no longer have standards and hype and praise is bought rather than earned. You couldn't ask for a more perfect cocktail of depression.

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Mario Party 4
Grand Theft Auto 5

smt apocalypse

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Beyond Good & Evil 2

Paper Mario Sticker Star or Pokemon Sword

Zero Time Dilemma

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This pile of fucking wank

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>cut to her fighting you because she doesn't agree with your choice

Diablo 3 by a long shot. Can't believe no one has posted that.

Only if you have been spending all your time actively shitposting on the game

>Pokemon Sword
oh come on, how the fuck could you have any expectations go into that game

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Oblivion and MGSV.

EA Star Wars Battlefront, it lost all the features that made the originals stand on its own among a sea of other shooters, now its just Battlefield with a Star Wars texture pack.

Spider-Man 3 on the Playstation 2

The game is still shit, the word you are looking to edit out is "good" for "successful"

You think just because millions of retards are happy i will have a good time with a game? No.

pic related, what's worse is that it was actually good in the early stages. A few years later on I actually buy the "finished" version and realize how far it'd fallen.
Thank god the fat mod saved it.

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