Why won't game devs just form unions already?

why won't game devs just form unions already?

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because they would all get fired, code monkeys are disposable

no refunds
hillary will be biden's VP

Didn't unions fuck people involved in the movie industry to the point where most people are just freelancers or am I thinking of a different industry here?

>I am a transgender college student with a debt of over 40,000 in student loads and thousands in medical co-pay for simply existing

>Bernie becoming president would negate those loans

Trump is going to win

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SAG, Screen Actors Guild, is the big one in Hollywood, and yes, they completely fucked entry into the film industry, They are the most vicous, incestuous, nepotistic blight on entertainment since the Venetian Court Jester Massacre

based dame pesos

based on what?

so a bunch of kike gatekeepers?
or are we talking about the lower jobs in the movie industry?

Not sure. The industry is full of children, so I'm surprised they haven't run off to beg someone to make decisions on what they can work on for them yet. Maybe that's why they haven't, they are incapable of making their own decisions so they just sit there and cry about how hard they have it instead of doing anything.

unions = communism and therefore illegal in the US of A

There are thousands of people who dream of being a codemonkey working on some AAA vidja. The labor supply is essentially infinite.

because life as a developer really isn't as bad as the malcontents claim it to be
a lot of it is just dicking around

This. There is no shortage of people who "want to work for video games."

t.Neil drunkman

Same goes for blue collar workers and yet... they have unions

lmao you can't make this shit up

A lot of those blue collar unions were probably grandfathered in before the economy became internationalized. Blame the boomers for that one.

>turns into a tranny
>my girlfriend and I

Unions are bad. FOX told me so

Say what you will, at least he correctly typed "my girlfriend and I" and not "my girlfriend and me" as a lot of retards and ESLs would.

The whole point to unions is making sure you can't just replace workers.

My boomer father, who benefited greatly from being in a union, raised me right. He made sure I knew that all unions are thugs who hate America

They are. The reason unions were made is to force companies to transfer manufacturing to third world countries for cheap labout and undermine american craftsmanship. Try to find out the last (((name))) of the founders of the first labour unions.

>hey I put myself in severe debt to chop off my dick and kill myself in three years, but at least I have good grammar

This but unironically, unions are cancer.

That’s why they’re difficult to establish. If they find out you want to start one they’ll find a way to get rid of you. The only way they can’t is if you’re not easily replaced or you are very sneaky with it and can successfully get enough people to join you.


>code monkeys are disposable
yet they are the most paid people in the industry and the so called "artists" are the one treated like shit

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Your father is a stupid fucking faggot and the world will be better when he dies

Yes, that's just one of many things America is too stupid for.

yes goy, unions are the devil
now continue working and maybe one day you can be one of the chosen people

The reason unions were established was to make sure your 5y old isn't forced to suck coal dust 20 hours a day
what you think corporations wouldn't inflict the most horrifying conditions known to man on you the minute they're let of the leash?

Unions had their time and place. That time has long since passed.

>Venetian Court Jester Massacre

The other more likely way is politicians start backing them, or else they have to start telling billionaires to fund universal basic income to avoid street riots.
Almost half the world is unemployed.

American politics are so boring now. Retards bickering over their meme candidates while nothing changes.

Yeah, now is the time of the corporation.

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I can't tell who's jewing who anymore

because unless you're a worthless, faceless code monkey you have nothing to gain from forming a union and giving up the power you get from your name and reputation carrying you into AAA companies with cushy jobs
big name game devs that moan on twitter about their horrible working conditions are lying to fool you into thinking they aren't part of the upper crust of the industry so the pleb fresh out of game design college nobodies don't point fingers at them when half the time they're the ones fucking up project schedules and treating low level employees like garbage
welcome to the industry bud suck AAA dev cock for pennies or try your luck going indie

>calling people goy
>too stupid to realize they used unions for their own benefit

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You could say those (((business owners))) were the true culprits. Tricking women into being wageslaves, fighting against the union workers who were against immigration, and turning their companies into multinationals. I think unions are the end stage of good capitalism where workers negotiate their value with business owners, what we see nowadays is the devaluation of the worker to the world mean and in turn a degenerative economic state turning back the quality of life advances we have made. Regardless, we can all agree that the boomers really screwed us over eh.

In all seriousness, I don't know.
One idea is that there are too many big publishers constantly cycling through an expendable workforce for a union to have any weight. Like take the hollywood unions for example; that shit couldn't happen if you could higher a replacement actor seamlessly.
Another Idea is that the people calling for this seem like huge fucking faggots. At least from a video I saw a few years ago. If I were an average Joe codemonkey, I wouldn't necessarily want a lot of the people calling for this shit having any authority.

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I didn't know Jabba the hutt was a tranny.