Assassin's Creed

What's the appeal of this series? The lore and story is whack, the combat is jank, most of the gameplay is just trailing someone like those cinematic Sony games, and Hitman is a better stealth assassin game than this.

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>What's the appeal of this series?

people have zero standards and IQ, everything looks fun when you're a smooth brain.

10/10 graphix

No I'm being serious, Origions and Oddysey are both technichal and artistic achivements

The stealth is fun and the protagonists are always cool, even Alexios is cool.

wait until you play RDR2 buddy

RDR2 looks good, but it's setting is boring compared to ancient egypt and greece

>artistic achivements

/thread and I'm saying this without a hint of emotion. AssCreed is okay I guess, but I really can't imagine someone who played more than 10 games in their life enjoying it

I loved AC, 2 and 3. Did not play the rest

I Tried to get into Odyssey, but the grindy repetitive shit was too much

>ancient egypt

Obviously the fucking settings. Seriously in what other series you go around the world to different times?

You can walk around in a historical setting, that's the biggest part.

RDR2 isn't a game.
It's and arduous wanna be movie experience.

>It's the "Yas Forums hates another great video game franchise" episode

It's mostly just like a history museum, the story and gameplay are just an excuse to get to exist in the setting. The games are long and have tons of busywork.

The people who take them seriously are teenagers and people who are still mentally teenagers, and really more power to them as long as I keep getting cool looking historical settings to unwind in.

Glorified historical tourism.

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Normcore game same reason people like fifa

Agreed. Origins is just fucking gorgeous. You can go around spend hours just looking at shit. The towns are also always very organic considering the behavior of NPCs and shit.
Combat in Origins was serviceable too, not fantastic, but a lot better than most western games.

Assassins Creed ended with 3
If you want fun historical open world rpg's you play the rest.

Teenagers liked it cause it was edgy back when it first came out. People still play it to this day for the timeframes each game is set in as its appeal.

do people over 15 years old unironically play Assassin's Creed?

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Origins and Odyssey are genuinely good rpgs.
Sure they're not witcher quality but still really good fun.

In fact I have to say some of the writing in Odyssey is actually quite good, not all of it is, but some is.

They've done a good job with changing each of the games ever so slightly. As long as they maintain that and have the gameplay style match the setting, each new release is worth looking forward to. They're releasing a teaser for the next game right now and it's basically Vinland Saga.


you would know, frogposter

When Ac1 was announced there was nothing like it. Having a great-looking giant historical city with big crowds and the ability to climb everywhere was amazing. In fact, as much of a bad rap the series has gotten for being a AAA-shitfest, it's still the only videogame that builds explorable historical cities.

I wish they would just drop the whole animus story bullshit.

You're obviously a zoomer. The first couple were fantastic before they became certifiable normalfag core, which happened pretty quickly sadly.

What the appeal of jrpg.
>Same boring turn based gameplay for 20 years.
>No sense writing and story
>Muh waifu
>good ost

>Whats the appeal of underused historical periods in modern day graphics?

Yeah, really makes you wonder.
