Why did Nintendo fuck up the Switch Lite so bad?
Why did Nintendo fuck up the Switch Lite so bad?
I do like that bright red one, but if I can't dock it.. what's the point?
hurrr lets make a handheld that doesnt fit in your pocket. Starting with the Wii everything they put out is fucking gimmicky retarded shit. just release some normal consoles holy shit???
why would you ever consider putting something that expensive in your pocket to begin with?
The switch lite is selling amazingly?
The lite is great, my main complaint with it is that they used joycon sticks. Especially given the drift problem
>having pockets large enough to fit anything but an iphone
Are you for real?
That’s what the Wii U was supposed to be and it failed
what did they do this time?
Why do companies pick the gayest pastel colors for their products?
Wasn't the whole point of the original switch was that is was portable and a home console? This fails at being either of those.
>Tried to unmod my switch a few days ago
>Console is banned and can't get online
>Switch Lites are in stock
>Ninjala coming soon
Should I get it? I hate playing handheld mode and love to play on the big screen but I heard the lite is comfier and the screen is better...
I mean, it's a lot better than having it be an angsty "badass" matte black with glowing red highlights or whatever
nigga do you know what a cellphone is?
You fell for the "restore your nand you won't get banned" meme?
So girls and gays will buy them. The market isn’t totally geared towards you, ya know?
normal jean pockets fit a ds, psp or the based vita. unless youre a faggot wearing your sisters jeans.
I went for emuMMC/OFW hybrid but my console seemed to have been banned ages ago at some point. My account seems to be totally fine though.
It would have been fine if you could still dock it.
>Saved thousands of dollars
>Endless possibilities and customization
No I didn't lol
I was just about to go buy a switch myself whats wrong with the lite? Should I go with it or the regular version?
Also what color do you anons like? Im kind of enjoying the yellow for its gold look.
>just release some normal consoles holy shit???
Like the Switch?
>selling like hotcakes
>snoyboys seething daily
Looks pretty successful from here
>he doesn't have a nice jacket with a big inside pocket
>just release some normal consoles holy shit
You mean like the GameCube, that failed? Or the Wii U, that failed? Why would anyone buy a "normal console" when a PC is better?
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.
What I think is funny is that suddenly the drift problem came out of the news, which gives people the impression that Switch Lite solved that. However from what I read on the internet, the problem still exists and there are owners of Lite disgusted with Nintendo.
Nintendo is the definition of gimmicky shit. Always has been.
Not a meme. Did exactly that and got some beta Ninjala working.
You gotta have a real clean nand backup, though.
Also, for extra safety ofw sysNAND uses one microSD, emuNAND uses an entirely different one.
You bought the system used or something? Or did you let your emuNAND connect to Ninty? If the latter, that was probably your undoing.
wii u was not a normal console it was their peak of retarded ideas
>hurrr lets make a handheld that doesnt fit in your pocket
No handheld except the game boy micro has fit in your pocket without looking absolutely retarded so who the fuck cares
This would be great for hacking if not for the FUCKING DRIFTING
Once the chip comes out, at least...
Now you can hack joycon firmwares to edit deadzones, but since the Lite has 'em embedded, you probably can't do that. Fuck the Lite.
I never connected to ninty with my emuNAND but I did often have wifi on for things like tinfoil updating and mm-linx. And there was one time I accidentally hit update game software while using emunand so thats what probably did it. I was even using a clean microSD like you mentioned.
How was the Ninjala beta? I legit might get a lite just so I can have access to online for splatoon, ninjala and mario maker 2. It's too late for me with Animal Crossing since I'm already balls deep in with my modded Switch.