Today, Wojak officially turns 10 years old! Post your favorite vidya wojaks from over the years.
Wojak 10th Anniversary
Wojaks should be banned.
Im not OP but seriously, fuck off. Wojak and Pepe are the most iconic Yas Forums memes and they aren't dumb just because you a have a different taste or you're just a reddit normie.
Wojak is underage
>you're just a reddit normie
Ironic, Wojaks in their current form are peak reddit.
Wojak is the Super Smash Bros Melee of memes. Tired, dying, clung to be a group of autists.
>Iconic Yas Forums memes
You mean the most hated no one likes it. They outlived there usefulness a long time ago and are nothing more then abominations that should be put down especially when they require zero effort
>iconic Yas Forums meme
How long have you been in that coma?
Fuck off and die already
>people have been posting the exact same shit for 10 years straight
Wojak at this point nowadays is basically Rage Comics 2.0, you'll find them everywhere on social media and other websites across the internet.
Even the term "based" is following it too.
I got called "based" by 10 year old at my car shop, it's very weird.
This. Wojak is the only reason I even come here. If you faglards actually banned Wojak I'd probably just return to Reddit, but they don't allow Wojak posts, so here I am.
I'd argue it only evolved into the cancerous state it's in now around 5-6 years ago, when people started using the faces for console wars/politics shitposting
Eat shit and die OP.
>Even the term "based" is following it too.
People were saying "based" since 2011 pretty much everywhere but Yas Forums
I never emant this as much as this time: Fuckielf you subhuman waste fo oxygen.
I fucking hate you all
I hate polish soldiers
First of all "Wojak" didn't originate here and that name is what redditors call him. Fuck off retard
>No Sticky
Yas Forums is dead
There's only two good Wojaks anyway. Feels Guy and Crunch Wojak
too easy
>ear wojak
You just know this guy posts on Yas Forums.
Yey, Soldierino turned 10.
You fuckers have been using the same ugly variants for years now. Are you niggers just lazy and refuse to draw new shit or post it just to spite people.
This. It's the biggest cancer on this site. Almost every post that uses one is the last five years or so is an "ironic" shitpost. The only reason why it keeps propagating is because new shutters keep coming here from social media where they see the collages of someone posting something retarded and getting hundreds of replies so they just try mimicking the exact same shitpost over and over. It's Rage Comics 2.0 but more embarrassing. Just let it die.
fuck off OP