Enemies can open doors

>enemies can open doors
>you can't close them

Attached: koma12.jpg (1280x720, 86.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>OP makes cringe thread


>enemies can lock doors

Attached: NOOO.jpg (326x440, 43.13K)



>enemies can pause the game

Attached: 1452950357511.png (240x177, 80.97K)

>enemies can open doors
>you can close doors
>you can lock doors
>enemies can't open locked doors

Attached: 1558279842155.png (81x87, 10.11K)

name a single game that does this



Sorry, I meant Fallout 2

>ally can open door that no man can shut

Attached: 1577131793397.jpg (1024x681, 244.65K)

>cute enemy unleashes deadly attack

Attached: PON PON PAKA PON.gif (320x180, 173.5K)

season 3 when?

After Renge's parents come back.

Minecraft, technically, via iron doors.


Attached: 1582020903772.png (470x600, 190.75K)

Attached: mrw_enemies_cant_open_doors.gif (400x296, 443.47K)


Outlast 2

> Enemies can savescum

>enemies can get a girlfriend
>you can't

What would that even look like from your perspective?

Attached: confusion.jpg (839x610, 109.95K)

>enemies can make love to your waifu
>you can't

shut the fuck up faggot kys

>turn corner
>shoot some nigga
>sudden loading screen
>you're back behind the corner

What is golden eye

What is infra arcana

>enemies can savescum and are effectively immortal
>you defeat them by making them quicksave in situations they can't get out of
now that would be a ludo as fuck game mechanic

I love my cute wife komari

Attached: D.png (1200x675, 894.76K)

L4D versus but it's the opposite

Attached: 1586365507488.jpg (1024x724, 57.25K)

>now that would be a ludo as fuck game mechanic
Yeah, deconstruction of the gamplay loop.

>enemies can savescum and are effectively immortal
>you defeat them by being such a pain the ass to play against that they rage quit