Ps3 84m units sold

>ps3 84m units sold
>ps4 100M+ units sold
>TLOU 17m units sold
Seriously, unironically, why don't Playstation owners buy exclusives? Shouldn't these numbers be closer to 20-30M units sold? Nintendo with HALF the install base has MULTIPLE exclusive games outselling TLOU. someone explain, no trolling or console warring. I'm genuinely curious.

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It comes down to taste I guess. I have a PS4 but im not going to buy last of us as it doesnt interest me. I have god of war and bloodbourne though

those still didn't have 20M sales those. I don't even know if they broke 10M

we actually have a choice of games to play

People buy Playstations for different reasons. Mostly for access to third parties that appeal to them. people buy Nintendo consoles for the first parties so of course they will have a higher attachment rate. If you don't like their first party titles, you won't own the console.

Nintendo has like 3 games worth buying so of course everyone buys those games

>Seriously, unironically, why don't Playstation owners buy exclusives?
Exclusives are not the reason people buy consoles anymore.
This is true for Sony but even for Nintendo.
I own a PS4, and a Switch, i'm currently playing some cheap (discounted) multiplats on PS4, and on my Switch i'm playing a fuckton of indies, and modest AA titles that fit the system.
It's just how it is now.
I might buy some exclusives now and then but it's not all i play, if you still have that mindset just stay on PC because i don't think moving foward any console is going to have much to offer you.

a lotta fuckers only buy sports games, maybe they could spend half the money they spent on TLOU2 on a new exclusive Blitz game normal people can enjoy, like Wii Sports was just bowling and tennis and that shit was a hit.

A lot of people are only interested in a certain type of games.

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Because some people buy more than one console (to their kids or because the previous broke), and some people doesn't know what an exclusive is, doesn't care about "gaming journalism", and buy games based on sports and movies they know.

>some people doesn't know what an exclusive is, doesn't care about "gaming journalism", and buy games based on sports and movies they know
Based chads, the type of person that would bully Yas Forumstards back in the day and turned them into the incels they are today.

The average PS4 user, contrary to what this board thinks, plays madden, fifa, cod, etc. Story games aren’t a thing normal functioning people play. They consider this a waste of time especially since it’s not something they can do with friends.

>but even for Nintendo.
the only reason anyone buys a Nintendo console is for exclusives lol.

This, basically. Even something with as much mainstream appeal as TLoU isn't necessarily going to hit the same number of people as fucking FIFA and CoD.

Because 70% of those PS4 sold are for Europeans and south Americans who only play FIFA, GTA, and call of duty. Before I got my PS4 I was looking for a used one and all of them - and j mean all of them - had one or more or these games and zero of them were the traditional single player kino experience

then why are sony fans so smug about their console being the best console when it doesn't even play third party games better than the Xbox?

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Because there are other games to play.

Which Xbox ? The One X which released four years into the generation ?

base ps4 was a lot better than the base xbone, it wasn't untill the mid gen console upgrades that xbox got better running/looking multiplats

How the fuck is this a real thread?? TLOU isn’t the only game on the fucking console you retard.

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17m units is still almost a billion dollars.


17 million for a rated M new IP (at the time) on a single platform is enormous. Most publishers would drool at these numbers.
Comparing these sort of games to Nintendo is pointless because this is not the same market. Nintendo first parties are the only thing worth owning on the Switch. People on Playatstion actually have a choice in what to play.

Used to be true until the Switch, now that's not the case anymore.
Your failure to understand this is why the Switch is so alien to you.
Most people that buy the Switch get SOME exclusives on it, but not all of them, like it used to be.
The Switch is crushing it's competition on portable indies and (if reasonably optimized) multiplats.

It's the first Nintendo console that doesn't really "work" like a normal Nintendo console in terms of what people actually play on it.
It actually has much more in common with how Sony used to market their old handhelds.
There's a reason some people call the Switch the Vita 2.0.
Yas Forums literally doesn't understand what's going on with it, they're being left behind on the curve, that's why you keep saying all these threads that all read the same "why the fuck is this thing selling, it has no exclusives!?".
It's sad, really.

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You have not answered my question

Because since N64, Nintendo has been for Nintendo fans, while PS is for everyone. I don't give a shit about TLOU.

17m is fucking massive for a single player exclusive.

How? It was on TWO platforms that had almost a 100M+ install base each.

Nintendo has 50M install base with multiple 15M+ sellers.

Nintendo counts software bundled with consoles and everybody and their mother knows mario will always be good games for any age group

I’ll bite. What indies or reasonable optimized third party games are people buying the switch for?

Who plays video games? Kids. What do parents buy their kids, Mario, FIFA or zombie shootan game? Exactly. Is the average adult man interested in systems, experience, story, atmosphere, immersion or in sports and hanging out with friends? Exactly. You're fucking retarded delete the thread