>your favorite vidya franchise
>your thoughts on the Sonic franchise
I'm kinda testing something so help me out if you can
>your favorite vidya franchise
>your thoughts on the Sonic franchise
I'm kinda testing something so help me out if you can
Dragon Quest
2D games are good, sonic cd has my favorite Vidya OST, overall hopelessly overrated and overshadowed by more competent platformers and mostly carried by some of the best character design ever made in pop culture. a character design so good it can survive 5000 bad games and cringy spinoff series
Possibly. We need more data before we can make an official conclusion
>Dark Souls
The Sonic franchise has too many talented people for being such an autistic-appealing series. The music composer alone should be doing something else with his talent than squandering it on games done for ameriburger autists
Halo (up to and including Reach).
I like Sonic and have been playing Sonic Mania. Fanmade game Sonic Utopia looks promising as well but I haven't tried it yet.
Miyazaki games.
I used to love and adore the franchise but had to fafe the fact that it fucking sucks. Quality is way too inconsistent to know what to expect next. Unleashed is the best 3D Mania best 2D. Forces is the worst game of all time for me because of the promise versus the delivery. Worst execution ever.
(Formerly) MH
Early games were nice, the Adventure games were great but could have used more 2d inspired level design with various paths, newer stuff is garbage with the occasional good thing like Generations, Unleashed, and Mania. Ohtani is an absolute god and needs more work outside of the Sonic games.
god I love benantoka
>your favorite vidya franchise
Super Robot Wars (Devil May Cry is also really high for me)
>your thoughts on the Sonic franchise
I'm a big fan of Sonic, and consider it my favorite platformer series, my favorite being Sonic Adventure 1, my next favorite being SA2 for the story. I feel Sonic has been unfairly smeered as a series thanks to an agenda against it spurred on by the rivalry he had with Mario in the 90's causing a bunch of people who don't understand the series to cry for it to be something it wasn't. Now trapped in a downward spiral of irony and the series making fun of itself out of shame, and generally being looked down upon as a bad franchise despite it's good/bad game output being much closer to something like Crash or Spyro. Many average or good games are bashed for completely absurd reasons, and most series wouldn't stand up to the same scrutiny Sonic is put under.
idk, Thief, Monkey Ball or maybe Dominions
The Genesis games were alright. Everything since then is mediocre at best if being generous. Series has been irrelevant and should have died with the Genesis if not for being Sega's most recognizable brand.
it's a mess but that's kinda what makes it fascinating. the good games are real good, the bad games are real bad, and in between is a wide array of good ideas poorly executed and/or technical blunders holding themselves together with duct tape and dreams that still somehow manage to work and be memorable titles.
Just curious, what do you think of the other official titles besides Mania?
>Blaster master
>It was good
I'm not sure what my favourite is, but it's probably Metal Gear
Weird fandom aside, I've never really had that much of an interest in Sonic. To me it seems like the level design doesn't really accommodate the gimmick of going fast.
Devil May Cry
Sonic Adventure 2 is pretty good
Toss up between resident evil, metal gear and final fantasy
I love sonic games. My favourites are the megadrive ones but once I got relatively skilled at the 3D ones likes adventure and unleashed I really enjoyed them
>>your favorite vidya franchise
>>your thoughts on the Sonic franchise
Mediocre then, shit now.
Can someone consult an expert in the matter? This information is crucial.
>your favorite vidya franchise
how am I supposed to pick one?
>your thoughts on the Sonic franchise
It has some really good games in it but it's clear that the formula is incredibly difficult to adapt into 3D. I really don't think any 3D Sonic has truly captured what the 2D games were about.
>how am I supposed to pick one?
Just curious, could you list a few that are close to being your favorite?
Shin Megami Tensei
I liked the classic ones when I was a kid, and playing them as an adult I still think they're good, albeit flawed for reasons probably related to hardware limitations. Mania and the GBA games are fantastic and probably the peak of the series, but even the "good" 3D games feel pretty mediocre because it feels less like a 3D platformer most of the time and more like a rollercoaster that you occasionally interact with. Despite that, I think the Adventure series is great in a really campy way because of the bad voice acting, exaggerated character animations, cheesy dialogue, weird bugs, and soulful artistic choices. Also, I think it's pretty weird that Sega seems to mismanage and disrespect their most iconic franchise so terribly, because there's no reason all of these games should consistently have so many technical and design issues.
Pretty much what said. SA2 is the only 3D where the controls actually feel right, Sonic 06 and Unleashed were bad but funny. I do prefer the classic 2D style of the first main-series games which I love Mania so much.
oh... I thought this was a cunny thread.. but it doesn't look like one
my bad anons, bye
The only games I've played were Sonic Heroes (one of the worst ones from what I've read) and Riders, which is not even a real Sonic game, both when I was younger. They were shitty but that's no surprise I guess. Either way I wouldn't play a Sonic game now, doesn't look like I'd like them.
I've only played SA2 and that one DS game with Blaze the Cat so I don't have much of a strong opinion about the franchise as a whole. I like the music and I thought the movie was pretty good. I'd like to see a sequel.
castlevania/dark souls
sonic has some ok games but almost all are shit, i like a lot the characters design tho
Benantoka's a great artist, but I wish someone would translate his third GuP doujinshi featuring the autistic girl.
Sonic unleashed is my favorite 3D. The boost mechanic graphics and the werehogs OST makes it, in my opinion the best sonic game ever.
Thoughts on the Werehog and/or Optimization issues?
Pokemon/Splatoon aka peak autism
I'd like to love Sonic since the designs are great, the music is jammin, and I think the Sonic levels in SA1 are the real good shit, but the 2D games don't tickle my fancy outside of Rush and the 3D games were never quite like SA1 again so I don't. I did like Riders and TSR though.
Overall I think the series is an absolute mess and it saddens me that Sonic will never live up to the potential I believe it has. Even beyond Sonic I hate how mismanaged and disorganized Sega is, they're holding all these diamonds but they just keep shitting on them.
The performance on the 360 is trash, but the game is so goddamn beautiful I'll give it a pass. The werehog stages are overhated. Yeah, it slows down the game play, but it's fun as fuck and the OST in the stages are one of the best in the series. And the Wii version's werehog stages are pretty good.
I like SA1, but the franchise has been garbage since the very first game.
>The werehog stages are overhated
I think the Werehog part of the game is actually a pretty decent beat 'em up though his fur completely tanks the framerate (seriously, the game is sinfully held back by the hardware it's running on) at times and the battle theme (even though it's pretty damn good) is very intrusive. If they had a different battle theme for each of the country's stage and found a way to make it less intrusive, it would have been a lot better.
Oh right, I also really liked Infinite for being so fucking stupid, but I'm also pissed that they did hardly anything with him in the game and that he will probably never see the light of day again because Forces is a big joke.
Forces was such a waste.
Love it. At least from 2 - Black Knight with Generations and Mania being momentary bright spots.
Probably gta
I never cared for sonic games even during its prime and I just like the racing games. I also like Rouge fat bat tats. I might try sonic forces since it is free and I've played a few of them that I also hot for free, like generations and mania but they don't do anything for me.