Question for cry babies

What did you want this game to be?

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I’ve posted about this game maybe once or twice, not really too concerned either way as I can live without another kideo game in my life. That being said, I would have bought it in a heartbeat if it was a classic turn based FF and the entire game was there right from the start. It doesn’t look low effort or anything but I’m not interested in it in the slightest. Same with nuDoom and most modern reboots and remakes. I’m really not into the direction games are going but that’s honestly fine, I’ve wasted far too much time with games already.

a remake

>What did you want this game to be?
A Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

wow this nigga's stupid.

Either a proper remake or its own thing. Instead I got a noncommittal semi-remake that only really cares about jerking the player off.

Exactly what it turned out to be. Time jannies and all.

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They wanted the same game but for 60 dollars. Like when Nintendo "remakes" games.

More depth, deeper lore.

New characters, subplots, cameos etc were expected. I just wanted to feel immersed and overwhelmed

A remake that actually expanded Midgar and gave us new sectors to explores and some more upper plate exploration. I expected some plot changes to make it fit in more with the compilation.

What we got was a retarded sequel involving time travel, with assloads of padding to draw a 6 hour segment out to 40 hours. We got zero new sectors to explore, and the only new upper plate was mainly just the characters walking through a quiet neighborhood at night.