too edgy? probably
Druckmann uses Cobain quote
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He should follow this singer's steps and kill himself.
>using blessed Cobain for his bullshit
T. Hasn't seen the documentary
That's a good philosophy to have. Bigotry must be fought in all aspects of society. Let them know they are not welcome.
Looks like a fake quote, who was saying people of color in the early 90s? That’s a contrived social justice term that only entered public consciousness in the last few years.
or get murdered by his bitch wife, whatever applies to the shitty hack at naughty dog
>Instead of addressing the controversy or any of the criticism surrounding me, I'm just going to make a post about racism and sexism being bad!
>That way they'll think this is a racist/sexist issue instead AND it'll show what a good person I am for not liking those things!
Fucking based.
Yas Forumstards should stay in their shithole of a board and whither away in their rooms, far from society
>Low IQ neoliberal LARPing as radical progressive
Is there anything more gay?
Imagine having all of the mass media, celebrities, and major companies on your side and still losing the culture war.
This, but with people who let Yas Forums live in their head rent-free.
Actually based.
So Druckmann is basically doing what Battlefield 5 did and said "don't like it? Don't buy it then", and then the game sold below expectations.
>A hack projecting as a hack
God is right.
Kurt was a literal heroin addict and a cuck. Dave Grohl fucked his wife so he got sad and ate buckshot.
I don't believe he said this especially during those times. But i wouldn't be surprised if this jew was making up quotes from dead people no one will question to shill his horrible narrative.
>jew born in israel
huh, weird. must be a coincidence
Based big guy Novoselic defuses situation simply by standing up. Cobain still a fag though.
Has saying "Don't like it, don't buy it, stoopid" ever not came back and bit the person saying it in the ass?
That's how you know this is going to be a trainwreck, he's getting DESPERATE
Virtue signaling in general is pretty cringe and disgusting, wish there was a social taboo on it here like there is in Japan, alas....
And I say this as a far left guy, he's trying to appear virtuous while profiting off the slave labour of his developers. He's a piece of shit and belongs in the gulag
Yes, yes double down. Triple down. Please tell potential customers how you hate them and don't want them to buy your game. This is the end of ND.
it's wither, you illiterate tranny
Kurt would be deemed a jewish sjw by schizo Yas Forumstards if he was from our generation.
He was pretty based.
What happened with Battlefield V? More woke shit?
Based AF
But Druckmann only likes those when they make him money. When they work for him he runs them harder than asian slave children.
dilate and die, freak
you'll never be accepted
you'll never be normal
you'll never be a woman
Ok tranny
called everyone incels for asking why their WW2 game was full of modern identity politics
the protagonist is a female amputee with a prosthetic hand, followed by her merry band of negro and homosexual allies.
I'm not making this up.
>no mention of Trannies
Even Kobain's grossed out by them.
Based hippy
The game was supposed to be a WW2 game, and they advertised the game with the first trailer having a blue haired amputee woman and three other weird as fuck characters running around WW2. When people called them out on it they responded with "we never claimed to be historically accurate" and then said that it was just misogynists hating the idea of women in videogames. The CEO even said "if you don't like it, don't buy it." The game then underperformed incredibly, to the point where they had free play weeks and cut the price in half less than a month after release to make up their numbers.
>waste time on this edgy "misunderstood" faggot
I'm a white cis european man
I know its scary because i'm supposed to be on your team, but the vast majority of people fucking despise idiots like you
its why you don't go out in public saying the dumb shit you believe in because you'll get rightfully ostracized
Short version, devs or some company representatives told fans that their game is on the right side of history for including black Nazi soldier women with prosthetic limbs in a WW2, and if the fans don’t like it then they shouldn’t buy it
As it turns out, BF5 sold below average by EA standards and now its content production and support will be cut off soon
Someone mail him a shotgun.
I really love how this approach isn't going to work since he just couldn't keep his idea of making Ellie gay in his pants.
Now his master plan of tranny vengeance is marred by intersectional combat
Trans people weren't a known thing back then. We had the gay phase that died away when the US legalized gay marriage so now trans people have become the next big group.
They'll get more attention, become more accepted and we'll move on to the next group. Its just how it goes.
What a pathetic straw-man
>Oh, you don't like our ugly manly/lesbian women? That makes you a racist, homophobe and misogynist!
Unfortunately, the neo-lib has overstayed its welcome.
After 30 years of experimenting, the results are in -- gays NOT WELCOME.
pronoun twitter buys that shit up though
they just won't buy the game though
reminder kurt would be a tranny if he were born 20 years later
RIP to a fucking real one.
this is the ideal state of man
traitors get the noose first
>Continued relationship with Courtney even after she did turns with Billy Corgan.
Based, redpilled and /ourguy/
Good morning Courtney
the only thing you'll be giving anyone is blow jobs in prison, nazi
>Oh, you don't like our ugly manly/lesbian women?
Did you read the quote? He very much said he doesn't like homophobes, sexists etc. Not that he doesn't like people that don't like every individual woman or every individual gay person etc
I'm another european man and most of my countrymen hate niggers and faggots.
Sorry you live in the western parts where you are forced to tolerate them.
If I wanted to hear from a suicidal junkie I'd take public transportation.
>"rebellious" figure from last century turns out to be a massive faggot.
>Made worse music than his wife
>Made WAY worse music than his wife's boyfriend
>Owww my tummy hurts :(((
>Junkie manlet
>Didn't wanna be famous, signs deal with major label and makes pop-rock album
>Disliked by his bandmates, friends, and peers
>Would be drawing feminist zines if alive today
>Left behind daughter
>Is currently a rotting pile of ash
Also, friendly reminder Courtney punched that dumb cunt Kathleen "I'm With Her" Hannah in the face. get fucked roastie
Difference is Nirvana had a good track record behind it and could afford to lose that part of their audience.
Japan hates virtue signalling? I thought Japan was all about politeness and how you are perceived?
>Actually extremely based.
Does he have no self awareness? Even alphabet people don't like his game.
based 80 iq user
Cobain would have probably ended up like Morrissey if he was still alive
That's not what virtue signaling means
this, but not before cutting his dick off.
[El Douche intensifies]
how did she expose my trentorino?
try to get some political power first lol
even daddy Trump is pro Israel
theres no contradiction there between hating virtue signalling and the thing you thought japan did.
I will now buy your record/LP/merch.
And he killed himself because he was mentally ill like all leftists.
all europeans are a little bit gay