If you could have the physique of any game character, whose would you pick?
If you could have the physique of any game character, whose would you pick?
You mirin?
Ryu's is really good and I don't wanna be omegabuffed too just healthy so I would pick that.
good luck trying to wipe your ass or reaching your back in the shower
Any street fighter shoto. Even Dan.
kill yourselves
you will never pass
Dan's body is actually great. It has just as much if not more potential than much of the cast, he's just convinced he can use his own style to get by. The fact that Gouken refused to formally train him and he still managed to get rudimentary fireballs and dragon punches down shows that.
Sagat is probably peak performance though.
This chad right here
Shut up tranny
Right back at you. I'm not the one wanting to be female.
>wants to become a girl
>calls others tranny
take your meds schizo
Okay I get a part of it, shapely and skilled with a sword. But she's also a half blind amputee
only if I get the tails too
the epitome of nuBlizzard
u mirin'?
>wanting to be female.
>wants to become a girl
where did you get that from tho
Take your hormonal pills already
good luck fitting inside of your house
itt trannies mad that anons want to be actual females and not butchered abominations like them.
Do I get the voice too?
Nope. Physique only.
Joe Higashi.
Vega and Cody are the ultimate chad answers.
In that case I'll just stay as myself