Risk of Rain Thread, Commandochads report in

Risk of Rain Thread, Commandochads report in.

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Who do you want the new survivor to be Yas Forums?

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Why are these thread dying so hard now

Games are dead.

Most people have nothing to discuss except lewd OC and then shitposting flocks to our realm

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Command or no command?

No Command unless you're using almost every negative artifact, Command by itself is a guaranteed run-winner in 2.

in 2?

Merc but faster and edgier

>Command by itself is a guaranteed run-winner in 2.
t. only plays every character to the right of Articifer

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I'm actually a Commando and Huntressfag

Then unless you're doing some high tier faggot shit like stacking wisp jars, daggers and tesla coils, you'd know it's still easy enough to die to a simple mistake.


My bad sometimes I just assume everyone is as good as me

>mercenary in the op category
uhhhhh excuse me?

>Literally invincible at the push of two separate buttons.
You'd have to be retarded to die as Merc.

The thread goes through a few phases in a pattern

>New RoR2 content is released
>a lot of people who have stopped coming to the thread come back to talk about the new content and play games
>the new content gets old
>people still come to the thread to play games
>people start getting bored
>people stop coming to the thread to join games
>thread turns into mostly difficulty shitposting, and lewd discussion
>threads start to die
>new content is right around the corner
>threads start getting revived
>the cycle starts over

>unless you're doing some high tier faggot shit
If you have command on why would you do anything else? The point is to make the run easier.

So you can actually have some damage items by the second loop instead of a collection of monster teeth necklaces, squid turrets, and chronobaubles.

t. merc mains

>he has squid turret unlocked

>Only playing 1 character
Fuck off, one trick bitch.

Sniper when? Bandit when? New Dakka-Dakka char when?

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If they decide to add Sniper i hope they don't go with a scope mechanic.
Make it a slight zoom in at best but don't go full tunnel vision with it. A slow firing hard hitting character could be interesting to pull off, but if you go too far with the long range combat that probably wouldnt flow too well with the enemy spawns and teleporter events.

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What are the first five items you would pick in a commando command/monsoon run?

Cartwheel ability when? Hopoo?

What rarities do i get?

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Artificer can't even stand, let alone do a cartwheel.

Teddie, Hoovesx2, Glassesx2. Then a Predatory for the boss drop.

based immobility architect

Today they shall be REMINDEEEEEED

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Give me your fattest Artificers.

Goat hoof, NRG, Backup mag, Lens-maker's, cautious slug.