2020... I am forgotten

>2020... I am forgotten
ladies and gentlemen
the New Vegas killer

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it was better than fallout 4

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True New Vegas killer is Kingdom Come.
>it's le janky!
so was New Vegas. Jankiness is a good casual filter.

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Cause it's a shit game. And for all the Obsidian fanboys saying it's New Vegas 2, in reality it's just a copy of Prey(2016).

This game was fucking trash. Only had one act, no DLC, and only one effective playstyle. Fuck that.

melee right? I always go melee build

That's an insult to Prey (2017), which wasn't that terrible desu. I enjoyed it.
Science and melee yep. You get the science hammer from like the first place you go to after you get the ship and literally nothing can touch you. If you wanted to play with guns in NV then they were at least viable. Here, my guns felt like they did jack shit, then when I remade my character and went science/melee they hit like a truck.

I got tired of the "muh evil corporation" joke after like 8 hours, and quit playing.

Really wish they had made the world more interesting.

You mean all effective playstyles because the game is braindead easy and literally anything can work.

I got sick of it after an hour and a half, glad I didn't pay for this shit.

you can't possibly consider that an achievement

took me a year to even realize outer world and outer wilds were even different games

like nioh and sekiro

>That's an insult to Prey (2017), which wasn't that terrible desu
I didn't say it was a good copy.
I actually played OW before Prey and always felt like the games was trying to be something but couldn't pin it down. But after I played Prey it clicked in.

It's the worst game I've played from Obsidian, though I never played Dungeon Siege 3. It's just a bad game. It is bad mechanically, and the writing is shit.

That the Outer Worlds was positively received and Pillars 2 bombed is exactly why CRPGs are in the state that they are. It's why Obsidian is bought by Microsoft.

it was the right call. that one joke is literally the entire game. its a neat enough joke, but not worth building a whole fucking world around

I disagree, I think there could have been a great world built with this premise. However, Obsidian dropped the ball super hard, and wrote a couple cool things about it then abandoned the idea.

I don't know if that makes sense, but the dumbest thing they did was giving very little redeemable qualities to both factions. When people discuss who's better between House, NCR, Ceasar, Courier(YesMan) the positive/negative ratio is fairly balanced in most cases. In OW both factions are fucked up so hard you're looking for a way to destroy them because a total apocalypse sounds better than rich corpo scumbags or terrorists.

if you think about it, fallout 1 was really a world built around "corporations are evil" it was just very well thought out and used that to springboard more typical RPG stuff

>the positive/negative ratio is fairly balanced in most cases.
>Caesar legion are a bunch of slaver rapists with no redeeming qualities what so ever.

This game just goes to show God Howard was right to cuck Obfagian out of Fallout. NV was a total lucky draw for them, they make shit games without using GOD HOWARDS tech

can't remember a game turning to shit faster than this desu

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>new vegas killer

Really? I saw a speedrun once and feel like it doesnt have any content, but i could be because of massive shortcuts. Is it good for rping meme characters like in NV?

>NV was a total lucky draw for them
I think its mostly because they've already had a lot of stuff from unfinished Fallout 3D game to base on.

Probably one of the most boring games ever made. I made the mistake of trying to go down the dialogue skill tree and then quickly realized the story and all of the characters are completely fucking uninteresting and decided to go the murder hobo route.
Also, every woman in this fucking game is ugly as shit.

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why were there so many fucking short haired dykes?

Only game I never finished. Something just didn’t click. So glad I didn’t pay for it really

no one paid for this lol, can you imagine

Devs self inserting their trans persona.

>NV was a total lucky draw for them

josh sawyer didn't work on outer worlds

cain and boyarsky are hacks

It had so much potential but didn't even seem halfway finished. I wish they took another year and doubled the amount of quests. The writing didn't even hold up all the way through what we even got though, so I guess I should be careful what I wish for. On a side note, remember when journos were praising the length saying "I'm sick of the 200hr rpg"? Obvious shill tactics and they're eating their words with the lockdowns now

It just ended up being really boring. The combat and dialogue wasn't good enough to hold my interest. Way too easy as well, just 0 challenge even on the hardest difficulty.

Also for a game being advertised for being an RPG, all the actual RPG mechanics were boring,the flaws system was completely irrelevant as were most of the perks. It never actually felt like anything changed in the way the game played from whatever I put points into.

It was a good try but it lacked any real depth to hold interest.

Not really. Structurally it's a lot more like KOTOR than FONV, and there's nowhere near as much to do.

Why do video games and IT appeal to trannies so much?

>It had so much potential but didn't even seem halfway finished. I wish they took another year and doubled the amount of quests. The writing didn't even hold up all the way through what we even got though
agreed, initial pleasant surprised turned to disappointment extremely quickly

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The same reason they dont appeal to FtM trans


video games are still a boys hobby and even if your gender identity changes later on your interests do not

>no redeeming qualities what so ever.
maybe if you're a woman or a slave. Legion got the short end of the stick in terms of development and because of that it looks the most "evil" compared to the rest. Still, Ceasar isn't that dumb and knows that logistics are important so Legion's caravans barely see any raiders. Zealotry to the cause prevents corruption, which is very rampant in NCR. Low crime levels because no one wants to fuck with anyone when crucifixion is a legit punishment. Well trained military that outshines NCR where, in drastic cases, soldiers had maybe few weeks of training. People living in Legion's territory have better life than when they were tribesman.
Legion's biggest gripes tho is their disdain to technology, whole slavery and sexism thing and how everything is run by one guy without competent successors.

I saw far more potential with FO76 than this game. I won't be surprise if they have absolutely no plan to expand on what happened to Earth and the missing battleships.

The same reason there's a 90% chance you're gay if you have a theater degree.

They both allow for escape from the self.Stage actors can pretend to be someone they'd rather be. So can people who play videogames. They're both fields for hardcore escapists.

Josh Sawyer definitely didn't intend to make Caesar "just as good" as NCR because he's a liberal and he definitely doesn't believe that, but Legion also got their entire side of the river cut from the game, so literally all you see is their terrorist actions in NCR territory and their main camp. They were supposed to get a fair shake in the sense that their territory is brutal and iron-fisted but comparatively relatively stable. In NCR's territory you see all these problems borne of the overburdened bureaucracy, whereas in Legion's territory if you fail to comply with a Legionnaire's order they just behead you. They have complete control over things.

Tried playing this with the xbox game pass and was it was horribly dull. Story wasn't interesting, combat was barebones and and easy, visuals bland and music forgettable. I was trying to just force myself through the game since apparently it isn't that long, but ran into some bug where my character is permanently on fire and used that as an excuse to drop the game.

not achievement, just a small step in the right direction

Biggest problem new games, even really good ones have, is that they inject current political climate and culture in them. To most normal people it comes off as too stupid or literally insane to care about.

pretty shit taste right here

Even when accounting for under development the Legion are still way worse than anyone else.
For example you would think that because of their harsh lives, training regimen and so on the Legionaries would show care for each other. But they just see each other as disposable. Surely one can add one or two throw away lines to at least show they are not buddy fuckers.