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Why doesn't it have a thermal clip?
It's retards like you that sperg out whenever someone innovates for the sake of fun instead of realism that have ruined AAA western video games
I only played ME2 and ME3, please explain the thermal clip picture to me. Is this a magazine vs clip argument? I don't know anything about guns so feed me.
In ME lore no guns have traditional ammunition anymore, instead the gun shreds off a tiny sliver of metal from a block and fires it at high speed, each block can supply thousands of rounds and are cheap to replace making ammunition effectively limitless, the tradeoff being that the guns have to cool down if fired too much in a short period.
In ME2 this was changed for gameplay purposes, guns still technically have infinite ammo but now they don't have built in heatsinks anymore, instead they have disposable heatsinks that last for exactly X amount of shots before they have to be removed and replaced before the gun can be fired again. If you're thinking this is, functionally, exactly the same as just reloading a magazine in a ballistic rifle... well, you're right. Bioware set up Conrad Verner as a strawman offering that exact point of view so that Bioware could tell you how dumb you are, though.
This is the scene in which we're introduced to the retcon. Shepard has been dead for two years and is astonished to find a pistol near him that doesn't have a thermal clip. This introduced numerous plot holes and is emblematic of EA's meddling with the game to move the series closer to popular market trends, in this case a traditional reload system (see also; reduced RPG elements, buildings made up of waist-high-cover filled arenas instead of realistic environments, etc).
ME is a series where the story and lore are very important, so if you make a change it needs to make sense from a lore perspective. The thermal clips stick out like a sore thumb because Bioware (or rather EA-Bioware) stopped caring. This only got worse with ME3 and the RGB ending
I absolutely love how, as the series progressed gameplay got better but everything else became terrible
>wake up in medical bay
>head over to a locker and pick up a suit of armor and a weapon
>ask why there's no ammo to accompany said weapon
>get a condescending answer about it being a med bay, as if finding a suit of armor and a weapon is reasonable but ammo isn't
on an unrelated note I want to punch whoever thought it was a good idea to change cerberus from a disavowed black-ops R&D group, into a galaxy spanning, ship-building, public organisation with a standing army that can strike anywhere in the galaxy and writer's pets like TIM and Leng doing all the cool stuff while Shep and the normandy crew became rubes with close to zero agency in the story
That's a problem but not for the reason you're suggesting. You see, Cerberus are so comically ignorant of basic safety procedures that leaving a loaded gun in plain sight in the medbay for no reason is actually in character for them, and leaving the gun there without a thermal clip is an uncharacteristically cautious and safe move. Unless the implication is that they wanted to leave it there loaded but just forgot to put thermal clips into it, which I suppose is a decent explanation.
>doesn't question why a gun suddenly needs ammo
Never gave a shit over this change.
Neither did Bioware.
The Guns have always used thermal clips. You just never had to eject them because they re-charged.
Holy fuck thispistoldoesn'thaveathermalclip.jpg posters btfo!
>This is the scene in which we're introduced to the retcon. Shepard has been dead for two years and is astonished to find a pistol near him that doesn't have a thermal clip. This introduced numerous plot holes
Wrong. the change to thermal clips was made before he died.
Not according to the books
this gives an insight into the laziness of bioware's writing as the series goes on
one thing i noticed when playing Arrival for the first time is that every plot issue or insonsistency had an investigate option during a conversation, the justification from the characters was never particularly good but you can feel the writer checking it off in their head "i've said its ok, so now it's not an issue". it's like they think their job as a writer is to authoritatively state what the facts are rather than explain why those are the facts. the same arrogant mindset is in full display in this video, none of the concerns are addressed but simply mentioned and dismissed and the writer gets to feel content with having addressed the point, while the player is left with the same feelings they had before. it would have been better to just ignore the issue entirely.
It's the scene WE'RE introduced to thermal clips, not Shepard. In fact, the way every single gun in the galaxy was retrofitted with thermal clips in the two weeks between ME1 and ME2's prologue IS one of those plot holes. They could've easily explained it away, maybe by having Shepard say "this looks like one of those thermal clip prototypes they were testing before the Normandy crashed, but it doesn't have a clip. Got anything I'm used to?" followed by Miranda saying "a lot's changed in two years, you'll have to make do for now", but they didn't. You just have to take the retcon on the chin.
What was worse was how BioWare handled sole survivor Shepard working with the same group that got his unit killed and tortured one of his buddies for years, being that it was completely ignored until a throwaway line in 3
Tale Vasir also chews Shepard about it in LOTSB and you can only respond with "it doesn't matter" and "it was necessary"
They didn’t ignore it, there was one email that you couldn’t respond to, and a throwaway line in one of the DLCs that again, you could not respond to.
Like a lot of things in the series, they really had no idea how to handle the origins after ME1.
this conversation actually makes me hate shepard
you can thank EA for forcing this retarded mechanic into the series
>mass effect bitching thread
Can we have a thread that's not about bitching about plotholes?
Feel free to give another topic
>go from infinite ammo to finite ammo
I dont think you know what innovation means
I dont get why people loved ME2 so much over 1, the only positive was vanguard was fun.
>Reapers: Omg shepard kun humanity is so special please let us turn you in to liquid building gel
>Final boss is giant terminator
Would you prefer to discuss how the only class worth playing is Vanguard?
More streamlined and appealing to CoD kiddies
Imagine actually caring about this
I miss blueberry Liara....
Anyone who complains about this very minor change is guaranteed to have autism
>Invent guns that don't need to reload
>Suddenly revert back to having to reload
There's no logical reason you'd ever do this, you'd just improve the overheating systems
Side missions had unique locations, and game focused on characters instead of generic Ancient Evil Awakens
Which is why BW could only give half-assed explanations for it.
man this class feels litterally like being a krogan