This game is older than 10 years and has better graphics than most new releases

>This game is older than 10 years and has better graphics than most new releases.

I miss Resistance 1 & 2 too.

Attached: killzone_2-1689870[1].jpg (580x666, 62.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I miss Resistance 1 and 3
Fixed that for you, OP.

Wasn't Killzone a Cod rip off with cooler enemies?

input lag was a good thing

>better graphics than most new releases.
Maybe if you're blind

I miss the multiplayer

I never asked for much, I just wanted a damn Helghast game.

Resistance Retribution was the best one. Resistance 2 was the worst.

God I fucking hated Resistance 2

The multiplayer on R2 was fun!

lmao you're fucking delusional
early ps3 games have aged like shit

killzone 2 was trash

I still laugh at how Sony fans tried to justify what was possibility the worst input lag that has ever been put into a released game as “weighted weapons”

Yea 2 was garbage.


It couldn't have been more different from CoD and that's what people liked about it.

For me it’s Killzone 1

Attached: 31D54C46-0FD0-4C58-808B-D1F84F7AA768.jpg (1280x720, 93.13K)

Delusional Killzonenigger
KZ2 is good but dont act retarded

Worked on my machine. Played hundreds of hours and platted it.

>Resistance 2 was the worst.
Burning Skies exists so that's debatable.

I love the gunplay. No other game has done hit reactions like Killzone 2. Even 3 and Shadow Fall were a step back. Every bullet feels impactful.

Attached: RHavQFF.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

OP here, sorry to make you listen this:

Attached: apps.33056.69703614894648147.e4ef3337-2c9e-4cf6-9f42-d591c8ecfc5a[1].2c4e9176-33aa-46b7-a41b-1de921361217.jpg (1920x1080, 354.04K)

>has better graphics than most new releases
no amount of delusion will make this true
KZ's graphics (and artstyle) are the epitome of mid-seventh gen gritty brown&bloom shit

It objectively has enormous input lag dude. It has been measured.

Don’t anecdote me with your cool bro stories.

Bruh the input lag is fucking atrocious. It doesnt make weapons "feel weighty" it makes the game feel fucking sluggish. If it was meant to feel weighty, they would have kept it in KZ3, instead they fixed their dogshit input lag.

how can you deny that input lag was horrendous when a shitton of easily accessible proof exists
you're arguing with facts

>NO, not brown and gritty in my industrialized setting fps shooter!
Why don't you just go play Fortnite if you want cutesy cartoon graphics you faggot.

but KZ3's gunplay is dogshit compared to 2's.

Because KZ3 is shit and boring. But they at least fixed the fucking controls.

you're a fucking idiot
my point was that KZ2's graphics are nothing to write a story about
they're literally the standard art direction of that time period and definitely don't hold up today no matter how you spin it - not technologically wise, not artstyle wise
i swear if you're gonna write
>b-but muh SOUL
i'll slap you through my screen

so this is that counter-culture cycle I keep hearing about

I always associate this game with that weird exhaust/slight burn smell of my PS3 slim because the thermals were so shit.

>Bleak done well