>Age of Rebellion update
>One (1) Original Trilogy-related hero skin (Rebels Maul)
>A single Stormtrooper skin
>FOUR (4) Shitquel-themed hero skins (2 Reys, another Kylo, and Nu-Sheev)
>"This is our last update lol bye"
What the fuck were they thinking?
Age of Rebellion update
>What the fuck were they thinking?
Fuck DICE, EA, and Disney too.
To be fair, the game was probably barely selling anymore even though it's like $20. They released free DLC for how long now? 2 years?
Wouldn't be surprised if Disney forced DICE to add the skins
EA probably cut production on it and moved them all to Battlefront 3, so they couldn't finish what they had started and just released everything they had gotten done and left it at that.
Wait, is it really their last update? The game is just starting to be fun, but there's a lot more work to do.
Disney forced them to make sequel content that anyone with a brain dodges as soon as the loading screen shows up.
>thinking there's going to be a battlefront 3
good riddance
Next you'll tell me there won't be a Jedi Fallen Order 2 (or whatever name they come up with)
>Buying anything from EA
What the fuck were YOU thinking, user?
Don't even go there because Respawn already said it was in production.
Why cant we get decent star wars games anymore?
Why would you even want a second one? Outside of one dark side waifu the game was boring as shit
BF2 is a good game after all the updates and JFO was also a good game.
You deserve to be raped for buying anything from them regardless of price.
Because most Star Wars fans loved the game and its one of the brighter moments in SW games in a very long time, and one of the brightest things barring TCW S7 (Mainly Siege of Mandalore) and The Mandalorian from Disney regarding SW. I don't though man, why do businesses want to make money, who knows.
So you're saying that everything since the disney acquisition everything has been so shit that we should lower our standards
>Literally what's already in the game, just with a hood or a yellow lightsaber or if they were really working hard, a red undershirt
They still never balanced the reinforcements with a new FO enforcer either. They should've given them a shield and electrobaton user to counter the Resistance Heavy Gunner.
>One (1) Original Trilogy-related hero skin (Rebels Maul)
>Original Trilogy
That isn't what I said at all. I just said most of the Disney stuff has been shit, but The Mandalorian and Fallen Order are like pre-Disney SW, ya know, good.
You realize that the exclusivity contract is on the verge of expiring and it looks like neither side might want to renew, right?
Game was botched from the start. People (including me) never gave it a chance. It's also exclusive to EA's shitty store.
Better to just say fuck it and accept the amount of money you got from gullible faggots buying into Disneys garbage.
>still no Pilot Like
>still no Dagobah Like
>still no muppet Yoda
>still no Chewie with 3PO strapped to his back
>still no Slave Leia
>still no masked Han/Leia from when they're in the space worm in ESB despite how easy that would be to make
But here's you cuckbeard Han Solo and Chewbacca with a bandage
Maul fought Obi-Wan on Tatooine
>Fallen Order
>Chewbacca with a bandage
Beyond lazy
Reminder that DICE animated goofy emotes like Star Wars Kinect dances but Lucasfilm didn't let them put them in the game
He also has a goggles variant! Because everyone loved Solo: A Star Wars Story(tm)!
It's hard to believe that EA only managed to release ONE good SW game (SW Jedi:FO).
Doubt Disney even care. They certainly didn't give a shit if their new trilogy was a giant fucking pile of garbage.
Don't get my hopes up, man.
Maybe if they spent more time on actual shit instead of retarded nonsense like that the game wouldn't be a wreck
What's going on at Dice?
Don't worry it would be terrible
>this video of a random bug will surely convince everyone that the game is shit
Cope more faggot. FO was a buggy piece of shit
I had 2 ctds throughout the course of my 40 hours on the game, and never had a bug anything like that one
game wasnt perfect or anything groundbreaking but it was fun
>Have to get 5k kills to unlock new Rey and Maul skins
Yellow Saber can go fuck itself, but locking best Maul behind kills is a dick move to keep people playing.