The beta is out, faggots. Get your keys.
Wrath of the Righteous
Bullshit you're pulling my leg.
It's here, faggot.
Fake and gay.
Wait, I meant alpha, not beta. My bad
>paying extra so you can play a broken version of the game
Do PC gaymers really?
nah, imma wait until you cucks test it for me and then pirate it somewhere in july 2021 when the game breaking bugs from the launch are dealt with
oh user, the bugs will still be there. these vodkaniggers don't know what they're doing.
uhh hello, based department?
kingmaker was a mess for the first 2-3 months, but they did a pretty good job with patching it out later on
It was still broken as shit a few months ago.
Can I fuck the femOrc?
What's the level cap?
Looks like Kingmaker... Are they seriously expecting us to basically pay money for Kingmaker 2.0? Kingmaker had shoddy graphics and animations..... It looked like a early 2000 game...
eh, I'm not so sure about that
Most of if not all of the gamebreaking bugs, especially in Pitax, were dealt with in the fourth month of the game's release
From then on, they polished the game further and started adding in DLC's
the last patch was june last year, so that ain't few months either
Why am I not surprised.
I fucking wish. She's married to a fucking tranny. Paizo? More like Pozzedo. They sunk their hands into owlcat like a sabrecat tears a deer
I have no idea. This is the alpha. You start out on level 3. But for the love of god don't spend $15 on this
>I fucking wish. She's married to a fucking tranny.
Not touching this with a ten feet pole then.
I encountered several bugs that broke quests a few months ago.
>caring about graphics and animations in a DnD based CRPG
this game ain't for you
why would they change anything? People want Kingmaker that has more features and more reactivity of the world in terms of roleplay
maybe you should have not pirated the game, serves you right, works on my pc!
Just kidding, but yeah, there still might be some bigger bugs, but it's nothing in comparison to the shit fest that was the release.
Glad I held off on alpha access. When is beta dropping? Do you know? Also post more screenshots.
is that an actual tranny or just mannish looking woman?
Next year probably.
Magic potion bullshit. Manjaw eitherway
>hahaha look at me guise, im using an OLDFAG meme, im one of you now amirite? ahaha i named myself cunnylord, like cunny but lord lol, you get it my oldfag compatriots??
Lann the man
They said there were placeholders, but I didn't think it was that bad. This looks and feels like Kingmaker. Post screenshots of battle animations if you can.
calm down retard
The cutscenes are real smooth, so is the combat movement. But so far it feels like Kingmaker.
nothing wrong with more Kingmaker
ok but I'd pay double for a starfinder game
excellent pc user
>the fucking book is back
>so far it feels like Kingmaker.
Auugh. I don't think people understand just how janky and awkward Kingmker animations were. Fucking Baldur's Gate 1 has better animations smoother combat than Kingmaker did.
For what purpose? Can't they just do it in the dialogue box? Why is the book back -_-
Nice, but I ain't paying no extras for the first releases, thank you very much. I've had enough of Kingmaker 1.0 for a lifetime. I'll wait
Hm, looks the same. I guess I'll just hold off till Beta. I don't want to burn myself out.
I guess approving an ugly half-orc and an ugly trannie was easy for Paizo, but Camelia and Improved Sheelah need adjustments.
Goddammit, we will get another valerie situation
Eyy, Storyteller's back