What the fuck happened to this?

What the fuck happened to this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


vaporware / tech demo with no real progress

Thinking the director of this isn't a fucking charlatan.

>crowdscouring art and music for game with Joseph Gordon Levitt's media company
What in the ever loving fuck?


What does any of this have to do with Beyond Good and Evil?

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Video game version of snake oil

More like Beyond Sneed and Chuck 2

looks like planet of the apes

Who wants to play a planet of the apes simulator?

this. pure brownie points for the sjw money which doesn't exist.

There's something really fucking hilarious about this game dying twice in development. Wonder if there's so much sunk cost in this bitch by now that Ubi's gonna resurrect this shit for the third time

Didn't the devs have to ask the general public to do the work for them?

This game is probably better off being vaporware

nothing, its just in forever development and people didnt like the trailer enough because its supposed to be a multiplayer game

It's a load of progressive horse shit and died because nobody actually wants it other than people who won't even pay for it.

>Rayman 4 will never get made because of this

It's Beyond Good And Evil in name only.

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Over 15 years, two trailers, fuck even knows how many cancellations and uncancellations and a trailer that looks like pure, undiluted cancer. Fucking hell Ancel, I trust you like pretty much no other developer, but this is a really hard sell.

At least Christophe Héral is doing the OST again, so that should be a banger.

I decided a long time ago to never buy an Ubisoft game because of the way they started implementing shitty, intrusive DRM into their games. Lo and behold they just continued to double down on that while also making dogshit games.

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I'm so fucking sick of this move towards bizarre realism. I want a game that looks as abstract and comicesque like the original game. All this fucking focus on this graphics shit is just sinking more money into the game, which means bean counting calculator executives will mandate extraneous features and microtransactions be added to it, further distracting from the core of what made the original game so fun. How can so many studios look at the success of BotW and still think they have to make their adventure games this bland, brown, boring, and overdone TPS with needless and shallow level-up systems.

I have absolutely no faith that this game won't be a total botchjob that plays like anthem mixed with asscreed but even less world building and plenty of gem stones you can buy with real money or whatever.

If this is what happens with BGaE, I can only imagine the shit that Rayman 4 would be, which will never happen because this game and Wild have to come out first.

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>I've never played the first game. Look at me!
Oh sweety.

We could've gotten another Rayman game instead of this SJW appeasement tech demo. They only showed up at E3 for progressive points with this tech garbage.


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i sell bridges, you want one?

It's okay, it'll happen after they finish Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Wild! It will be a REAL sequel! ;_;

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I don't understand, did people actually like the first game? I thought it was just a resounding failure feminists like to parade because it stars a stronk womyn and has dumb men.

Origins and Legends were pure garbage, anyone who still believes the property has promise is a fool

The game tried to star two niggers and a monkey. A female monkey to boot. It's like they were trying to lose money.

Well of course nu/v/ wouldn't like it. They just play what is approved by Yas Forums niggers.

Bit more than they could chew

They literally have a live stream every few months. Development is going along steadily. Looks like it's going to be really good, if you can ignore your racism for a bit.

But le graphics are the most selling point of all games!

I get that they don't have the same appeal as the 3D ones or even the first, but if you really think they were pure garbage you need to fucking leave life.

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Those people are all possible companions. The developer already confirmed we will create a custom protagonist.

its still in alpha development.
they have teased some game mechanics, but nothing solid yet. I wouldn't be surprised if it was scheduled for 2022.
all those brown cuties in the dev updates, this game is gonna be great

stealth cancelled when they realised what a stupid idea it was

What is this? Ramen organs?

>if you can ignore your racism for a bit.
I can't

Beyond Good and Evil is literally my favourite game of all time, but I can't look at this without thinking it will (A) be a trainwreck, (B) fuck with the story of the first game. I want to believe in Ancel. The guy actually somehow resurrected Rayman into a 10/10 platformer series. But I just can't.

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>b-b-but pol!
Okay I guess that tells me everything I need to know. Progressive moviegame with strong female lead who don't need no man, an anti-authority, pro-diversity focus and probably a tranny somewhere. Did I get it right?