Using the inverted song of time is cheating
Using the inverted song of time is cheating
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Who gives a fuck the game is piss easy anyways. God forbid a save of time
If you are allowed to use it, it's not cheating
Best way to play the original?
here's what i did:
>find cartridge
>insert into rectum
pretty good overall, desu
not using the inverted song of time because most of us didnt even know it existed back at release.
nothing cooler than having the ground shake and knowing the moon is about to crash while trying to finish up a temple.
The definitive version of Majora's Mask is the 3DS version with the Project Restoration mod. It keeps the improvements made by the 3DS version while reverting most of the utterly retarded changes they made and fixing some of the issues they missed.
I've thought about installing that 3ds fan patch that makes it closer to the original.
I have no fucking clue where to start though or what I need to do in order to make that happen.
idk bro I just play it on my wii
not sure why zoomers need to mod everything to enjoy it
If you want to double up the amount of times you have to redo tasks, that's on you user. I don't like wasting my time personally.
Tried playing without it and I actually like it a bit more that way. You have to be more precise in your thinking and execution.
only retards didn't know about it.
the game literally tells you.
it only tells you once at the beginning and its easy to skip over
Inverted song of time is a good secret because you aren't told exactly what to do but you can fill in the blanks that it has to do with the song of time. Regardless it's baffling that people complain about time restrictions and it's proof they never played the game.
Absolutely based.
Fanbase autism coupled with competence yields great results as always.
Yeah I feel the same when I play fighting games and don't use punches
What changes would you consider to be the retarded changes beyond the Zora?
For me, Goht's fight felt less fun, but Gyorg was a massive improvement, swimming aside.
Other than the retard eyeball Gyorg is better. Twinmold was to be an improvement if the Giant Mask mode wasn't absolutely ass to control and took 12 hours to kill the second boss.
Why the FUCK did they make any of those dogshit retarded changes to the 3ds one?
This. It's kind of a pain in the ass to get working but it really is the absolute best way to experience the game.
n64 version still has more soul
Just look up Aonuma's interviews about the remake. Time is making him senile.
I thought each boss having a sudden eyeball was a bit questionable. Didn't feel like their own entities anymore. I think the weakpoint concept could have been handled better,
Because the original game was dogshit retarded so it was always going to need changes. Sadly, none of the changes that needed to be made were what we got
Isnt it great? Or like playing chess with a handicap
I wish I could use it in real life. Time passes too fast.
Thanks user.
Because the zelda team doesn't like majoras mask. They consider it to be one of the worst in the franchise.
this fight is based in the 64 version and dont just cheese it with arrows also use bombs on the moths
Does anyone else feel like the multitasking element of this game isn’t used to its full potential? Whenever I play I always end up doing just one thing per cycle, using the song of double time to just skip to whatever time I need. I think the Anju side quest was designed to be done across an entire cycle while you do other things, but it’s so much easier to just dedicate a single cycle to only doing it and just spending time sitting around waiting.
Been thinking about trying to mod something to encourage making the most of each cycle, but i’m not really sure what it should be.
Exactly, so only retards that didn't pay attention didn't know about it. Thanks for posting faggot.
I kinda liked that they incorporated the deku form with odolwa, it felt odd he was the only one of the group that didn't need the areas mask to fight.
I don't like how they implemented it though, I think he should have gotten something like a bug tornado around himself (with a hole in the top) and you needed to get rid of it with deku form by dropping a nut on his head. Then you can damage him as normal again.
They don't even know why people like it. Thats the funny part.
it tells you anytime you talk to a scarecrow, and if you skipped it in the beginning its literally your fault for being an adhd little shit.
To be fair it took the community a decade to lime it, the game was hated while they were actually paying attention to it
One thing I've realized about these dumb japs is that when they do something great from our perspective often they have no idea what the hell they did. Something that we see as beautiful is something they're blind to because it was just a product of their retard computer-like mind.