Post your favorite FPS/shooter campaigns

Post your favorite FPS/shooter campaigns.

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For me, it's Metro 2033

i've thought about it and i honestly think Doom Eternal might be my favorite FPS campaign. Haven't felt so good about a single level in a video game as I felt on Urdak, the Khan Maykr's level with aligning the rings.

It was a ton of fun and gameplay felt fair and fun

No memes I legitimately enjoy Doom 3 and have beaten it so many times. Still torn between OG and BFG as I have a 120hz screen and it is smooooooth.

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What's the most obscure shooter you ever played?

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A quick think says project snowblind.

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not very obscure at all

For me it's Dusk

short replayable shooters?

Call of Juarez Gunslinger
the two chronicles of riddick games
The Darkness 1&2
Terminator Resistance
Homefront 2
Hard Reset
Prey (old)

I don't care if it makes me a normie, I like going back to replay HL2 every couple of years, cozy AF.

Doom 3 is oddly chill to replay too.

Guilty pleasure would be Hexen II.

Is Homefront 2 good? I have it sitting in my library but the Mixed reviews on Steam deterred me from playing it

gunslinger is great

i recently tried darkness 2 after getting it for $1, i found the movement to be too rigid and the lighting system too dogshit for the dark environment mechanic to really work. first boss was so frustrating i gave up there

The original half-life. maybe Deus Ex although I haven't completed a play through of Deus Ex in a long time, I keep starting it then not finishing.

Also S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. Nothing like slav squatting next to a campfire listening to guitar strums and contemplating the atmosphere.

I tried to get into Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat, they didn't hit me the same though.

you can breeze through max payne 1 and 2 if you skip the cutscenes
i stil come back to SoC once in a while to just hike through the zone for an hour and get shot at

"Half Life 2" and "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault".

Most obscure? „You Are Empty”. I loved it.

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it's a solid 6-7/10 game, just don't expect anything special. i know i didnt and i enjoyed my 15 hours with it

a lot of the mixed reviews is because the game launched in a very poor state after all the THQ ownership change. it plays as a semi open world where you complete objectives in a map roughly similar to newer farcry

I dont really know of any obscure FPS campaigns, so either all the Half Life games or Plutonia

The Brutal Doom Hell on Earth Starter Pack.

100 times more fun than Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 combined, while also being way harder and actually free.

It's the definitive way of playing Doom in the modern era.

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My negro.
I love Doom3, can't seem to get it working on Win8.1 though so presumably there's some patch or other ghetto workaround I can use.

I have played stalker soc multiple times and this is the only time I saw the helipad on top of the bunker in Yantar. What the fuck

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also Syndicate 2012 if you can handle the bloom

the game has its share of problems but you notice the devs put a lot of love in

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For me castlegriffinsteed

Should Just Werk™ as PCgamingwiki doesn't report any issues and i've not run into any (admittedly on win10) but sopurce ports are available.

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Titanfall 2.
Short but very sweet.

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theres a mod that removes a good amount of bloom, god i love that game though. hate that its on origin, origin causes crazy performance issues for me.

Joint Ops Typhoon Rising and Nerf Arena Blast come to mind but they're not that obscure.

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FEAR of course

The creepy 60's music and the dark setting with the sound effects just keeps me going back.

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Crysis 2 and 3 have fantastic campaigns, despite the MUH CRYSIS 1 retards. 2 is legitmately a fun ride with great graphics, setpieces, and a kino soundtrack. 3 is great as well with top tier atmosphere.

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