Fuck you i'm still buying it on day one

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Honestly, I'm not so sure about that. I loved TLOU1, and was fairly sure I would get this one as well, but now I have completely lost interest.

Ok why you telling me tho

Why are trannies so angry?

I bet you post on resetera. Don't you faggot?

Even a huge part of ResetEra doesn't like this trash.


>kill lesbian with tranny bait
Not even resetera liked it. Who is Drunkmann trying to appeal to?


Dude, a lot of people still buying this. No need to post it. No all people are that fragile to rage at a game that havent even released

$0.50 has been deposited into your account.

>a huge part of ResetEra doesn't like this trash
Because the transfaggot isn't a virtuous demigod

Even ResetEra is smart enough to see through the obvious trans bait that is Abby. And then the trans bait character brutalizes a lesbian couple? They can't cope.

same, i was hesitant on the sequel cause i think 1 ended great and any more risks ruining it. those leaks safe to say ruin it.

>the trans bait character brutalizes a lesbian
This is the only real problem they have. We're all supposed to coexist and sing kumbaya after the white man is dead

I didn't say their reasons for hating it were rational or good, just that they hated it.

>Fuck you i'm still buying it on day one

Right, but they hate it because it's not extreme enough. Which is a whole different can of shit

post tfw you already preordered it

out of genuine interest OP. why?

>nu/v/ likes TLoU

He's trying to be based
Imagine giving the finger to both ends (Yas Forums and resetera) of the gaming spectrum, and both communities getting assblasted because of it.

I'm starting to think he's based now.


Same. Only insufferable queers offended by a transgender character wouldn't.

>(Yas Forums and
wtf Yas Forums has to do with it
we are not sonytrannypedoetera

Nah, he's just taking polarizing topics, throwing them in a bucket, and shaking it up. That's not intelligent in the least. It's intellectually bankrupt.

Why waste time on this when you still have your steam backlog?

Anybody with a backlog in 2020 is retarded

it's people from resetera posting here

Haha fucking loser

97 Meta and 20 millions
Can't wait to see Yas Forums seethe during the full summer about it

Trans character beating up gays sounds like the start of a good story but nobody would accept it for being too offensive

That's like bragging about your country not having toilets


the game is clearly problematic and offends the lgbt community

I also love watching 60$ movies about trannies

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Or when you could put that time in monster hunter