Fuck Sports Games and Fuck all the other Black People that buy them

These fucking shit games literally off black stupidity, every single yearly release is the absolute same, graphics barely improves, micro-transaction practices worsens in each new game.

You may ask how the fuck do they keep afloat with such a shitty business model? It's because other people of my kind (yes I'm a fucking nigger) are so short-sighted and downright retarded, they gobble up this shit every year without fail, even if they don't like it they'll still buy the new one because "everyone else is playing it on multiplayer".

They may complain about the micro-transactions, yet they are biggest victims of it, I'm gonna be honest, Black people in general have poor financial literacy (my brother especially). Some of us may only earn ~$800 a month, but we spend ~$650 of that on stupid unimportant shit that don't matter in the long term, and I'm fucking pissed to say that NBA 2K and FIFA are one of them.

Honestly I wont be surprised if someone were to do a thorough research on this and find out that the real reason why black poverty exist is because of fucking sports games like this, and the greedy white jews behind it like EA and 2K are profiting of black stupidity and short shortsightedness.

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ok incel

How else would Sony sell PS4s, dumbass? And you're retarded if you think all the white or spic kids don't buy this shit too. It's a cultural thing where all your friends have it so you buy it too, and as you get older you're too steeped in it to stop. It becomes a part of your lifestyle.

It's different because most of yall white and hispanic folk can afford to go knee deep in this crap, but quite alot of the black people that get sucked into the sports gaming world are the poorest customers, yet they usually spend alot of money on it.

My brother is a good example, motherfucker can't even afford pay rent on time but he could buy enough VC to get his character to 95 overall on NBA 2K20 on release day.

Then again, I guess you can't really blame most of us either for falling so hard for the sports meme, from a young age most of us were dreaming about becoming rich athletes, but then reality kicks in and we're in a shitty job instead.

This shit is KILLING us, I'm telling you. And I have no other avenues to rant about it, because if I say all these shit on sites like Reddit or Twitter, people like will think I'm an incel, or worse, an uncle tom.

But fuck it, this shit needs to be said and be out there on the internet I dont give a fuck.

It's normalfags in general. Plenty of stupid white kids and blue collar fuckups do this too. How do you think the WWE games stay afloat?

>Nerd white boy hates sports
Big surprises

This can apply to a lot of shit, and is basically big indicator as to why following retarded """"""culture""""""" just to be a part of it is dangerous. It won't stop until everyone realises they're blindly following everyone else.

see Most white folk can AFFORD to get deep into virtual goodies, WE CAN'T.

Best solution is that these companies stop putting so much microtransactions every year and stop putting out half-assed yearly releases!!

It's fifa, everyone buys fifa.

What does Fifa have to do with niggers

>Most white folk can AFFORD to get deep into virtual goodies, WE CAN'T.
That's not true. Most of the people buying these are poor in general. You're retarded or a falseflag.

Idk for every black guy you have a broke, white south Florida dude doing the exact same thing.

It’s just catnip for dumb people.

I know a few people who bought a PS4 just so they could play FIFA and only one of them wasn't white, but a Turk.

Brazilians maybe?

these games would be trash even without microtransactions

Fuck you you limp wristed cracker faggot, I know some of yall fucks are gonna think I'm white just because I'm condemning black people. I knew it I called when I said I would be labelled incel or uncle tom But I don't care, this shit NEEDS to be said, if you don't agree and won't contribute anything to the discussion you can fuck off.

Agreed. That's why something needs to be done about it!! So many poor black people, male friends and family of mine especially, get lost in the damn sports sauce just so they can compete with whiteboys who can afford to use their rich mom/dad's credit card on their 2K character!!

you guys are just incel losers, there's plenty of amazing sim and rpg elements in sports games

you're black, just fucking play fighting games
idk why would you want to play with 0 balance and full of rng shit

I think that's a gambling problem
It's mostly most of my friends have grown out of fifa and 2k

offline, yes
but online is a shitfest

>broke, white south Florida dude
Whatever man, usually most white people are broke by choice anyways because yall are too lazy to apply yourselves.

Black people are broke because we're lazy AND we're get discriminated against in hiring, I know most companies got a secret checklist that lowkey says "no blacks", and the ones that don't are in rich liberal city areas like the Bay or NY anyways.

Yes. I guess I should've searched for madden and nba instead, those are more accurate, but alot more black people are getting into soccer these days.

You're bad at pretending to be black.

>online is a shitfest
Black people hate losing on 2K!! When they get beat by someone else better than them the first thing they do is reach for the credit card!!!
Because their fantasy of being a professional athlete gets ruined on the spot!

Yes I play fighting games and league mostly, not Sports games though cos fuck them, they are unbalanced af
that's why I'm making this thread

Got nothing better to say? Fuck off

No, I have nothing to say to a retard pretending he's black in the most childish way imaginable.

You're tryna bait me into posting a pic of myself but I'm not going to fall for it.
Fuck off.

>Most white people are broke by choice
People aren’t broke by choice period.

This sure seems like a destructive way of rationalizing your (or other people’s) current situation.

I play tons of weebshit and also buy fifa yearly
Keep seething

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ITT: White incel pretending to be black

Black poeple? Dudes this games in Spain are top sales. Black people dont have money to pay for current year games.

No need to self-hate your own race man, white and asian whales keep Gachas alive which is a lot worse than Sport microtransactions. At least they're true games.

>white and asian whales keep Gachas alive
This, atleast you can actually use the cards in sports game in actual gameplay, weebs pay 2k in gacha solely for the image.

>not playing video games based on the superior sport

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