Well, can you Yas Forums?

Well, can you Yas Forums?

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how can he breathe in there?

how does he get out without breaking all of the spiders?

the immolating spiders releases precious oxygen but also makes them explosive.

isn't Mandy a woman's name?


Just levitate him out

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I don't know OP, he looks pretty fucked to me

what's the story with all those weird phone game ads?

how did he get in there?
who is mandy?
how do the spiders survive in lava?
why did the goblin got buried alive?

Leave it to me

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I feed the minerals between me and the goblin to glug haha then I feed the goblin a potion made of worms, snot and SAFFRON LOLOLOLO

just remove the pin. Mandy is on the right and he isn't a goblin, merely a troll with down syndrome. No need to dig him out he's content down there

How would killing the goblin save anyone. Like, he's a goblin, so he must be responsible for the bad shit, and killing him fixes everyone? Stop being racist and dumb.
How would the lava get past the barrier. It shows no indication of melting.
How are the spiders alive.
How are they a threat to someone in full armor.

This is a really shitty one, makes no sense.

>how do the spiders survive in lava?
>How are the spiders alive.

Fire spiders you retards.

pull the pin so one spider drops to Mandy
let it bite him
Now Mandy is Lava Spider Man
Can swim out
Goblin dies after a long fight, but his son will dedicate his life to destroy you

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>Goblin dies after a long fight, but his son will dedicate his life to destroy you
I'd play it

>Goblin dies after a long fight, but his son will dedicate his life to destroy you

And that was how Ceaseless Discharge was born.

No such thing
Immersion ruined
Story refunded
Rated 1/5

i use the 3rd dimension

hahah yeah he would be all like eww that's gross dude I might be a goblin but even then I have standards pointing out the saffron and not the snot or worms and then he dies
however mandy is still stuck but... smell ya later alligator!

But what will happen to their children if they have no income to provide for them?

literally all it takes is 1 shovel to dig out the knight without going near the lava tunnel;, the goblin will suffocate almost immediately

Is Mandy the guy trapped in that small hole? Or is that supposed to be me?

mandy is one of the spiders

Its been a long time since I felt like a newfag

Mandy can die then

>his son

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I like how some of the adverts have intriguing gameplay, like making shapes to create formations of units and the shapes affecting outcomes of battles
then you look at the real game and it is a city builder with no combat.
How is it legal?

>put the bucket ive been keeping in my inventory for just such an occasion between my forehead and the wall
>push as hard as I can
>fall through the void and pop back above ground
>goblin dies of loneliness

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The only good goblins are the ones who never came out of their stinking holes

how the fuck did mandy get in there in the first place? why the fuck is there a goblin in a sealed off room with no doors? how do the spiders survive in lava? how does the lava not melt the tiny ass blockade?


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could you imagine getting stuck like that under the earth?
I think I would just end my life right then and there

I swear I've seen that exact dumbass goblin before. That was traced

it absolutely isn't legal at all, the only reason google and apple don't threaten them with a DMCA is because it's free money because the goverment don't give a shit.

you'd think the rights owners would throw a shitfit over all the bootleg crap on the apple/android market place.

Are those tunnels, or rooms?


how did the text get buried underground?
how are passersby supposed to read his plea now?

fold the image in half so that mandy can go to the room the goblin is in, unfold it leaving the goblin in the room mandy was in, open the lava gate

I'll help you Mandy..

...for a price

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>Make candy crush / city builder / farmville rip off
>No unique selling point
>Male adverts featuring intriguing gameplay that has never really been done well in casual market
>Visual 'demo' of gameplay has 'player' act like a fucking retard, causing viewer to think 'the solution is this, you fucking idiot, I could be way better at this game!'
>Tricks viewer into downloading
>Does not feature advertised gameplay
>Retention of 0.05% of people seeing floods of ads is still enough to build playerbase and gain whales.


ssseth and the merchants guild would never let any harm come to him, outside of what they themselves would inflict

Well the convected heat from the lava and the (I assume) less than 5 minutes of air would probably punch that card for you anyway

>practicing necromancy on decade old ytp
Is this really how the end times are?

Is there a single mobile game in existence thats actually how there ads are?

Best answer.

>Mandy can't get his meds thanks to COVID
>We're stuck with heyhey videos until it blows over

Friday or Saturday

It's been a LONG time since I saw a Mystery of the Druids screenshot.

I didn't know he was sick
It's nothing too serious, is it?

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Why did McNulty have to start shit with the druids?

glad I don't bother with trash mobile games, none of them are even worth playing, only idiot soccer mom's and gacha .png fags play that garbage.

you know the industry has gone to shit when fucking solitaire of all things is filled to the brim with advertisements for that dumb ass garden scape shit that doesn't even show off the actual game, oh and real fake casino's which are somehow legal.

apple and google need to clean up their act or they'll get a class action law suit for allowing false advertising and copy right infringement.

It never tells you who is Mandy. So what if Mandy is one of the spiders? I open the pin so that Mandy can eat the knight and outlive the Goblin.

How did this go unnoticed? Is this board full of fucking zoomies?

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Just a bad case of shitposting.

What's the cure, Ritalin?

>apple and google need to clean up their act or they'll get a class action law suit for allowing false advertising and copy right infringement
It's gone uncontested for a decade because they literally have too much money.

where can i get the full game that's nothing like this ad?

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Mandy == Mandalore. He's a Yas Forumstard on YouTube. Thats his avatar there.

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