>23 years old
>still hasn't been beaten
how the FUCK did crytek do it?
>23 years old
>still hasn't been beaten
how the FUCK did crytek do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Crysis is already 23 years old
where did the time go???
Its starting to age slightly now that you mention it.
Has it really been 23 years bros?
You dont remember playing the most advanced shooters of 1997? Quake 2, goldeneye 64 and Crysis?
>played crysis as a child
>my grandchildren born since then
Time fucking flies
In no universe is that vanilla Crysis. Also that lighting looks terrible. The remaster is completely blow the original away. I wish Crytek would post the FAQ already. It's being worked on, apparently.
>2021 was 15 years ago
How do I turn back time, bros?
>terrible lighting
>horrible foliage because of low poly
>low res textures
>unoptomized garbage
>No proper AA
>garbage FOV
>skybox looks like utter shit
>tree, rock and ground textures copy&pasted
This game was beaten almost a decade ago.
Lets compare it to a recent game with better lighting, better textures, way more optomized, better volumetrics and AA.
Lol that looks like shit
What is wrong with you people? Crytek are working on the remaster FAQ. The moderators on the Discord confirmed it. Soon we'll know more about the remaster including stuff like modding support.
sure it does, cope and seeth more
Doom Eternal has zero environmental reactivity. It's like a sterile movie set made from plastic. It's also by the exact same lead graphics engineer as Crysis 1/2/3.
darksiders fps
It still has better and more diverse environments and atmosphere than crysis. Graphics and technically wise it is miles ahead of crysis.
I remember when the Atari 2600 came out and i've seen Crysis a week later on my friends Intellivision and got to play the most magical vidya session in my life. The graphics seemed so real that i got lost in the woods screaming "Maximum armor" while headbutting trees every time me and my parents took a walk in the forest. I did regret it like nothing ever before and learned that boars are very social creatures with the ability for empathy. Soon i can finally play it again. I'm hyped bros. We are going home.
Whats will it be like if Crysis gets ray tracing and DLSS 2.0 support?
RTX will just show all its flaws more easily. The baked lighting in crysis is what saved it.
How are the environments more diverse? Crysis has:
Frozen World
Inside the Mysterious Alien Ship
Cave Systems
Also, you're really downplaying the fact that Doom Eternal's environments are completely static. It's an FPS game where shooting stuff has zero effect.
>shooting stuff has zero effect.
That's not true at all. Enemies have dismemberment. But I do understand your point in terms of environment interaction. This is however not an FPS like crysis, it's an arena shooter so environments with little interaction makes perfect sense.
Eternal has more diverse environments since it has:
> Hellscape earth
> Skyscrapers
> Mars environments
> Ark Spaceship
> Alien planet with arenas
> Inner hell
> Heaven
Just to name some of the top of my head.
In terms of graphics alone, Eternal is miles ahead.
This is the downgraded 360 version of Crysis, and it has better physics and destruction than Doom Eternal. Eternal made the choice to favor 60fps on current consoles, which is fair enough. But Crytek believed in immersion, and immersion stems from reactivity and realism.
This basically amounts to "Military shooter set on an island doesn't feature Heaven AND Hell in it". No shit, it doesn't.
>i can't wait for the sequel and they improve on destruction
>remove destruction
fuck developers
They didn't remove destruction. Crysis 2 has destruction all over the place. Pillars crumble, car doors fall off, bins fall apart, and the pieces can be picked up, concrete barriers are chipped away, all slender trees can be cut down, and you can pick up everything from bottles to shopping trolleys and throw them at enemies. You're welcome to name a single Crysis 2 contemporary with a bigger focus on physics not called Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
show me a vid of crysis 2 destroying buildings
go on
because when i played . chiping away small concrete is not destruction
Holy fuck we're talking about graphics and look how absolutely awful those textures look in your webm. There's barely any lighting at all. It's all baked to the textures. How can you, with a straight face, call crysis a good looking game in 2020?
I mentioned way more than just heaven and hell.
The environments they created on Eternal are all very unique and immersive. Obviously since it is an arena shooter we can discount the destructible environments, but since we're talking about graphics here it doesn't matter anyway.
Based demented boomer that doesn't know what year it is anymore.
Another game in recent years that is way ahead of crysis or what it will ever be, even if crysis used mods.
>>remove destruction
this was possible in 2007