Why are skeletons always male in games?
Why are skeletons always male in games?
They are worried that if they used a female skeleton, they would give the players a boner.
Why are they always caucasian?
I guess most people wouldn't really recognize the difference so making a different model is kind of a waste.
Are you retarded?
Why can't they just make some feminine skeletons for once?
How do you know they're male? I always thought they were all female because of the ribs.
Female bones are too weak
Here's a (you)
>tfw no osteoporosis old witch skeleton
Hips and height.
Because if they made female skeletons, players would immediately want to jump her bones.
They'd want to bone her.
They'd get a boner.
look at the pelvis user, those skellies could generate the power to do four spins mid-air at least.
fucking racist skeletons
>look it up because curious
>it actually is an African's skull shape
I'm impressed at the attention to detail. That poo in loo CA has as an artist is pretty gud, the detail on Mazdamundi is also nice I noticed, which is impressive in a game where 90% of the time you'll be so zoomed out you can't see shit.
females cant fight. not even their skeletons
Female skeleton in Dragon Commander who has bone cancer, so you have to either make her human or a robot to save her.
>Australian native
wtf went wrong?
putting the black skeleton down n shit
white necromancers be enslaving brothas fo years
dey should be payin reparashuns so dat we can buy sum fried chicken bones
Living somewhere that there was no real need to develop civilization further.
it would take longer to render female skeletons because they usually have an extra bone in their bodies
>unconventionally attractive female in vidya serves as potential love interest
>have to make them comparatively boring to progress
why it be like this
i really like skeletons because they are both funny and scary. i like that most of them can't speak and have to emote. more games with skelly main characters please.
because the average person wont be able to tell them apart at a glance so thers nopoint in making 2 models and 2 sets of equpiment
Because dead women are just useless as live ones.
Because it's a man's job to bone you.
Males and females are same or similar height in games
See pic and tell me if you could distinguish whether the skelly was male of female if you didn’t have the other one to compare
medievil 1 and 2 are both kino skeleton games but never play the psp remake, it adds a stupid genie and a reddit narrator
they need the pointiness to headbutt kangaroos and emus
bros i csnt fucking tell the difference am i retarded
is the one on the left a girl
female skellies could not serve as enemies in a video game
>Males and females are same or similar height in games
That tends to be quite variable.
As for the pic, the one on the left looks like you could throw a whole ham through the pelvis.
I wan't to play a ressurected skelly war hero from a distant past so fucking bad.
One on the right?
CDDA has female skeletons, in my game, I gave them smaller shoulders
Females are too fragile :^)
Lies! Im onto you!
Females are revived as zombies and/or ghost. Imagine a necromancer showing dominance by fucking the corpse while the soul stares blanky while he's doing it
That's literally Medievil. In the first one, you are an ancient (fraud) hero, and when an evil necromancer starts raising the dead, you're brought back to life too and get a second chance to prove yourself as a true hero.
In the second one, now a true hero, another necromancer starts doing the same thing and this time you wake up in a glass display case in a musuem in London, and start finding modern weaponary like pistols.
Divinity;Dragon Commander has female skeletons You can romance one