Ninjala Final Beta Test

>Jap Beta is going on right now.
>US Beta starts in 45 minutes.

Last chance to get your Ninja Kid ass kicked. Get in so you can figure out if this game is shit or worth it.

Attached: SPEEN.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

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Pretty fun for a freemium at least

first for sticky shota pile
(I'm image blocked)


HOW THE FUCK CAN I GET THE BETA?! For an ameritard that is?

Reminder that australia is active right now

I just want to fucking sleep. Why must they push this shit to 7am?

You download it off the eShop. It should start in 30 minutes.

>winning a parry is pretty much down to luck

Any chance of this being taken serious was ruined.

On the eshop

The download on the eshop or the servers?

It's not that hard to use Google you fucking retard

>Not just breaking a parry before it happens and destroying their weapon
There's more buttons then LZ and RZ faggot. Try your L and R for a change.

Thank you user for dealing with me being dense

Attached: fuckthisunderwatershit.png (383x574, 317.77K)

You notice patterns in how people parry pretty quickly, as long as you consistently parry the same way yourself.
There is still a lot of luck involved sure, but losing a parry every now and then isn't too detrimental.

Fuck I thought the schedule said it was over an hour ago. Thanks OP.

>game doesn't show up in gook eshop
guess i'll wait

I feel like that is gonna get old but the game is otherwise great

I like the style but eh something something I feel there'll be a lot of porn crossovers with splatoon

The betas are being staggered by region.

Far out it's taking over 2 minutes to just start the round

I do hope so.

>Japs already ultracombos and shit

There is an auto target on the right stick

Is there no camera reset button?

>chink ripoff splatoon "battle royale"

Attached: 018.gif (580x433, 2.09M)

So the beta isn't coming to the american eshop or is it staggered?

If you're using gyro you can click the left stick to reset.
I think it's the same for the other camera types, but I haven't been able to test it out yet.

Been in the e-shop for well over a week user
If you're just grabbing it now it might already be dslisted sadly.

Pres in on left stick.

yeah what the fuck is this

Remember that you can play the JP or US beta if you have an account in that region. The game doesn't require Nintendo Online so go nuts.

Also, the Jap Beta just fucking died so expect another schedule shift.

Attached: ImHereToKickAssAndChewBubbleGum.png (384x368, 275.55K)

Welp, it's not there

I played one match yesterday. genuinely fun and has huge potential.
they're soooo stupid for making this free. I would have bought the game day one premium price.

Still getting it here in australia and I am pretty sure we are the same server
I hope I get to play the next match since I want to try another weapon, I didn't realise the hammer doubled as a yoyo at first

Movement in this game rules, if you can, get in training mode and grind it out.

Attached: ninjala movement.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Any signs of pay to win?

Cause if this is cosmetic only will be YUGE

oh wait I see it's not quite a yoyo, the trick ball is though
It probably should have just been a full priced game but it's hard for former mobage devs to understand when their games are worth that, at least they didn't make it gacha like genshin impact

Well there's something going on because they just posted about it on twitter.

So what is this?

DLC for splatoon or a new game?

Is it fun?

Probably won't know until they show the season pass rewards. They could totally put equipment and cards in it that you can only get via the pass.

no. having the game be 'free' and not require switch online is the best way to get a large number of people (children) to play your game.

you need to realise you don't HAVE to parry
if you're good you can avoid the risk altogether
just dodge them and hit them when they're not guarding

I want to stick that drill right up her ass.

New Free to Play game by GungHo

Or use R while they are guarding, break their weapon and go to town. Lots of options.

is this game made in china? it would explain all the plagiarism

>MUH child audience
