PCBuild Advice?

my pc lags on boot really bad and it takes a while to start up. Ive tried deleting everything pretty much so im thinking of upgrading.

Chrome and Games make it cap really hard at 95%.

I have enough RAM.

CPU- i5 3570k


GPU- RX 480 4GB

Laptop HDD 1TB


Im thinking about upgrading the CPU and Hard Drives.

SSD at like 500GB


>My Needs:
1080p preferably ultra
Drawing and Browsing

Feel free to roast my cabling and dust too.

Attached: Screenshot_20200429-080551_Gallery.jpg (825x725, 526.92K)

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Sounds like your drive is fucked up or old, idk. I would probably reformat or just get an SSD and transfer your shit on there. Your cable management sickens me.

Pic unrelated, I just built this last week. Computer was randomly powering off and I think my mobo/CPU got fried :(

Attached: IMG_20200417_125851.jpg (4000x3000, 3.7M)

Copy my build. AMD CPUs are top kinoludo

Attached: AMD.png (445x415, 18.06K)

Have you tried reinstalling?

Step 1: Stop using Chrome.
Switch to just about any other browser.
I suggest Opera, if you must use a mainstream one. For more control and less spying, see Pale Moon.

WHICH games??
And have you checked if you have some fishy background apps running?
Also, are you on W10 ? That's always asking for trouble.

Unless you got 2x 6GB modules, which are kinda rare, this might be causing some minor issues. Unevenly sized RAM sticks aren't optimal.

>RX 480 4GB

Reinstalled W10 but nothing
I like to play FFXIV AND NFS
L4D2 is being a pain in the ass for no reason.
I wanna stay on my LGA 1155 if I can.

Thanks for the replies.

Not op but what is wrong with chrome?
i mean once i closed a tab and got a memory management bsod but not sure if it was a memory leak from it or sthing else going wrong

>Not op but what is wrong with chrome?
What is NOT wrong with Chrome??
Not only are you literally a part of Google's botnet ecosystem, but that shit's optimized all over the place.

>I wanna stay on my LGA 1155 if I can.
And you can. Get i7 3770K.

95% of what?
Check what programs are booting up at startup and disable some if not all of them
Try moving windows to a SSD. If you're on a budget any SSD will do, you don't need a big one just for windows but it will help loading times on vidya.

Its a GDDR5 gpu but for my mother board this is the graphics section
Although its is a PCIE 3.0 SLOT.

Just checked and i disabled some.
I have no clue, im searching through some programs

Attached: Screenshot_20200429-090519_Snapchat.jpg (830x1388, 682.18K)


>RAM size is not a power of 2

Attached: D476a1SWwAAJ4XS.png (500x404, 128.41K)

I could upgrade the ram *shrug*
But now Im thinking SSD AND HDD

>almost 2 years ago
>somehow still on twitter despite every single reply since then is people mocking him

Attached: 543543.png (582x904, 76.97K)

>Laptop HDD 1TB
Laptop hard drives are mostly 5400rpm, which are really fucking slow. Get a 500gb SSD for OS and a few games and a 7200rpm HDD for hoarding shit and games that doesn't need fast loading.
I think the rest of the build is 'fine' for your needs, but you won't be running everything on ultra.

post a speccy image instead.

>(yeah we got one)
my sides

My mobo needs to be reflashed, it takes like 20-30 seconds more than it should and it throws an error. I'm just too fucking lazy.

I just upgraded my i5 3570k to play mount and blade (and mobo and ddr4 ram)

Attached: spec.png (823x618, 40.14K)

laptop / 10, but not the worst I've seen.

Attached: gpu sag.jpg (4608x3456, 1.33M)

Was this thrown off a cliff?

First of all, try do to proper cable management. This mess could cause bad air circulation which leads to overheating etc. Download some programs to check cpu/gpu temp, i would recommend HWMonitor. Then check our ssd/hdd drives health.

>>RX 480 4GB

>my pc lags on boot really bad and it takes a while to start up. Ive tried deleting everything pretty much so im thinking of upgrading.

Get a disk defragger.

don't fall for the aio meme next time

>CPU- i5 3570k

Don't use Opera, it's owned by chinks.

Your Ryzen 5 temp is also high as hell, is Speccy just off for the temp readings for Ryzen 5 CPUS? Mine says I'm going from 95-89, even though I just installed a new heatsink with two fans.

>just install an SSD bro!

and Chrome is owned by yanks. What's your point ?