What video games are made by black people?

What video games are made by black people?

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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077


polacks aren't black yet

rent free lol

Drug dealer simulator

small white penis spotted

Wasn't it Kingdoms of Amalur that was made by some basketball player's studio or something? I don't know much about American sports but I think I recall the CEO of the developer (something 38?) being an African-American.

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I'm surprised you spotted it. Very well done, user. Most people assume it isn't even there and just give up! I applaud your cock searching skills, they truly are masterful.

MarkASS Brownlee

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rent free haha

smaller white pens spotted

Why are blacks obsessed with white dicks?
Do they want to blow whites or bottom to them?
I'm not judging, just want to know.

because thats the only thing they have

Black people dont make products, the mostly consume them

Black people are just white people with black skin


Those poor niggers.


Das rite

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Pic related made the classic weapon reload animations in CoD 4 that the series kept for years after

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I thought it was a white baseball player but you could be right

Just looked it up it was in fact Curt schilling, a non africanoid

Fun Fact: the guy who did the OG Vault Boy drawings and finalized his iconic design was a black dude fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Tramell_Ray_Isaac

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But they don't though. Statistically blacks have smaller penises than Europeans on average.
So even the only thing they claim to have is a lie, they actually have nothing.
Just look at any statistics ever gathered from African countries, they don't have high averages at all.

Their lie is based around old poorly made studies from decades ago, where a researcher gathered data from Africa by just calling African households and asking the men their size. Turns out once you conduct proper studies where a nurse or doctor actually measures them, their averages go down almost 50%.


American niggers have bbc on average because of slavery. Them malnourished Africans are dicklets

Fun fact: average reported penis size is greater than average measured size in every political group, but leftists don't overrate much, while rightists do.

>literally posting statistical research papers
>call that cope
Sounds like black cope to me from you right now
Besides I'm actually white with an above 8"x6" magnum dong, even if blacks had a way higher average than whites (scientifically proven they are smaller, but let's assume for the sake of rhetoric) - I'd still be bigger than over 99% of them.

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Whites would lie too lmao. I'm like 4 inches. No fucking way I'm telling some "researcher" over the phone that. Sounds like some jerky boys shit.