In these half a year Warframe has sunken to the bottom of the pit, as low as it's been ever. I must ask for aid of the fellow tenno and those outside of it. I wan to as for help to make DE(Digital Extremes) to do something about the game. I ask that you send a message to the game developers of this about such things as host migration problems and insanity that is Scarlet spear. I beg for help because I and many others are in need of help as the developer that used to be so responsive and listened to it's community has become a warmongering beast that bans names of people that are pointing out fair criticisms.
There is need for your help
I like the idea of this games new space combat mixed with regular combat but the art style is ugly as fuck and the setting sounds shit. I will not help
>the developer that used to be so responsive and listened to it's community
Pffft, haven't they always been like this, more or less?
Sure, sometimes they'll roll back a disliked change if there's enough backlash, but they've been forcing what THEY want over what the community has wanted for ages now
At least since 2015.
Let this garbage die. The developers are incompetent morons. Keep adding new stuff instead of fixing the half assed updates they put out. Every time I play it I encounter a new bug or glitch.
>add thing
>people use thing
>thing gets nerfed
its hard to care and there are other games to play
They're already starting off on a good track. I'd personally let the New War get delayed to like 2022 if it means the old systems get revised well.
Just let it die. I mean World of Tanks is slowly dying and so are other multiplayer games like Destiny (lack of innovative content past the lastest expansion) or even TF2 (Valve's uncaringness towards the game).
Face it, multiplayer games are doomed from the start.
I fucking laughed so much as it became clear that DE is just a subcompany of leyou and that they plan to maybe sell it to tencent, because DE doesn't make enough money anymore. Funnily enough the chinese got a new law that seems to forbid something with games from their country outside of their country, which could possibly mean, that warframe and DE are shut down in the future. For now we will see how much money DE generates this year before a decision is made.
DE never gave a shit about the community, people have been banned for the silliest things, and "sending a message to the game developers" is on the list.
They know that braindead whales will just buy plat to get that riven from braindead F2Players that grinded like chinese bots to get it. They will keep feeding the plat market with more shiny toys and whales will waste even more cash. It's the perfect loop.
The only reason I still care is because I want to see Rebecca railed.
Also fuck Pablo for wanting to nerf Saryn.
I gave up a couple years ago. So slow to add or update content, but really quick to destroy existing stuff. Not worth the grind anymore.
What a shame. I liked the art direction in Warframe.
>make DE(Digital Extremes) to do something about the game
Welcome to the point every Warframe player eventually reaches. The next step is to realize that DE is so incompetent and/or indifferent that they will never improve the game, and move on.
*every multiplayer* game mind you.
Warframe's only saving grace, and they've managed to fuck up everything else.
this but unironically. They never grew out of that 'seat of their pants, next update makes or breaks' mentality when warframe was literally the only thing keeping their lights on so they have never been able to focus on anything important. Chairman chang's pocket change only made it all the more obvious as they rapidly updated so many tools but still churn out mediocre content, that's even if they manage to release anything. I can't recall a single major update ever releasing on schedule, let alone functional.
This trash game deserves death.
DE was always an incompetent studio.
I got bored the moment i was on the kuva farming step and just fishing for rivens and rolling/trading them. Don't know if they even bothered to change it or improve it since the 2 years I stopped playing.
DE is a lost cause, all they do is pump out gigantic content updates that does nothing but fuck with the game for the sake of mass appeal and the fanbase kept licking their balls until we got the state the game is in
I'm not here to start a pitchfork war. All I want to ask is help to get DE to Listen. If you don't like the game you have all the right to. I'm a veteran and I just can't stand to see how bad it's getting. The fact that they straight up have come to ban use of Rahetalius's name just because he called DE out on their bullshit is disgusting. Sooner or later the game will die just because of this utter blindness and I for a one would be sad to see a game I've put so much time and effort in just be sold off to Tencent and then just die because surely if that happens, I am quite sure we can forget about any hope. China has already taken so much from us.
>Digital Extremes
Those guys are fucking scammers, they never cared about you or the game. Its the only thing keeping them afloat and they want to milk it dry. Game has been shit for years and there is nothing you can do to make it better as long as DE exists. Just move on and dont fall for anymore "small canadian indie studio" scams
>Railjack comes out
>Its shit
Railjack is too complicated for the average warframe player's brain to comprehend, so playing with pugs is a nightmare. Also, it expects that I grinded up some decent archwing gear because they are STILL trying to force that dogshit down my throat. No reason to go through the trouble of building my own ship, when I host a game it stops being "my" ship. Any asshole can take control of any system, and spend any resource, I can't stop them. Most of my losses come from retards taking the helm and piloting the ship straight into a mass of enemy ships instead of using rocks for cover. Also, the way loot is hidden in levels encourages players to spend 10-20 minutes after a mission autisticly grabbing every resource, god help you if you just try to move on to the next node before they've smashed every single floating rock. Meanwhile, host migration still crashes the game 100% of the time, grinding the open world stuff still takes way too long and is not fucking fun, at all, but its required due to how important operator mode is becoming/has become. Just wanna be a ninja in space but it has been forever since they've added anything to spice up the stealth gameplay, Railjack basically killed this game for me.
I loved the game. It's just that I don't have enough time to keep playing and grinding 24/7, it's a high maintenance game.
DE will never listen.
Not your personal army, fuck off
literally orgasm while streaming live. What an slut. She should let her armpit hair grow so i could masturbate.
>I'm a veteran and I just can't stand to see how bad it's getting.
Everyone here is a veteran too. We all used to like Warframe for one reason or another, and we all started to hate it because DE is full on arrogant and incompetent fucks thinking they are are above criticism. It sucks to see potential go to waste but that is how this industry works, you will get used to it eventually.
>The fact that they straight up have come to ban use of Rahetalius's name
Did he got banned? Honestly I'm surprised that they didn't do it years ago, DE have always hated him with a burning passion.
Nezha is a trap
>Digital Extremes
oh no
This game is pure trash and mental manipulation, its every scummy practices you can ever think of but since its conveniently hidden behind the "you can sell shit on the market for plat" excuse everyone is happy with it.
Riven mods are lootboxes, Nightwave/whatever the Skinner box is called is a one to one copy of a battle pass, this game is Pay to win since you can literally pay premium (prime access) to skip the grind for whatever weapon is hot right now and double your XP.
Don't touch this trash
T.dumb enough to have spent 1h hours playing this trash.
A Gay Guy Plays here, AMA!
why can't you stop all the w*rbros posting?
Rivens really killed the game
DE killed coptering. Warframe died to me that day.
>developer that used to be so responsive and listened to it's community
Excuse me now I have to find my sides.
They listened to him when they were reworking Vauban, but I don't think they'll listen to him for anything else
>named after a pony from my little pony
really makes you think
>still posting this reddit bros false flag post
warframe sucks. reddit bros are worse