Are video games dying to tabletop?

Are video games dying to tabletop?

Attached: foil grix delv.jpg (3264x2448, 831.5K)

Those are some nasty curls.

No one has given a shit about card games since yugioh died in the early 00s.

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wotc's printers hit and miss
a lot of problems with foils
a lot of rotting $1000+ edh paypig decks out there

If your Card game doesn't have cute and funny cards, I ain't interested

mtg arena world championship gave a 100 000$ cash price to winner without any sponsorships so they're doing pretty damn well for nobody giving a shit

yu gi oh is the worst card game though. it was literally a rushjob when they found out their anime was popular.

C-Could you please put Scrum Visions on that Tasigur for me while Snapcaster Mage watches? Don't ask why and do it faggot. No questions allowed. I need it.

And please make sure the reflecting light makes here mysterious like she is getting revealed right now.

fuck blue
time wasting decks
just watching the other guy play
win condition = waste your opponent's time / annoy them into conceding

MTG is overpriced, the culture sucks, the devs suck, and the game sucks

you're just jealous

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Rudy from Alpha Investments here. That's a nice collection you got here buddy. Would you be willing to trade it to a few Throne of Eldraine booster boxes? I could throw an extra Gatecrash booster pack.

And yet still better than Magic

ye it's fun with friends tho when we just kinda have agreed to make decks too powerful because none of us enjoy playing like that. Also just kitchen format so no restrictions on cards, except that we don't allow printed or fake cards

why is this filtered
blue deck / foil / bad photography trifecta


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tcg is plagued with whales, that's literally your money they put up for that prize pool. not to mention the fact that you losers are buying digital cards now saving them even more money.

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Not sure where you're getting the impression of video games dying. There's plenty of video game card-games.

If anything, tabletop is dying.

Damn son. Looking at this just makes me remember Duel Masters.
That game was great. Fire/Nature is the CHAD colour combo. Everything else was just people trying to avoid fighting like men.

>all that curling

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>pimping out your deck with post RTR foils

Nice curlection you got there bro

>implying I even play mtg arena or online
Also I get all my cards as cheap as possible and the most expensive card I bought was 5€, even that feels way too much for me for a fucking card. I once got one worth 20€ so I sold it right away.
But otherwise yes you are correct

okay, user. you're a poorfag. we get it.

How the fuck do wotc not get their shit together, its 2020 and the foiling process still warps the cards under humid conditions like the older sets.

>enjoying a card game with blue

blue players deserve the rope

the slapping game is fun with friends

pretty much anything can be fun with friends, that doesn't mean something is any good.

>its 2020 and the foiling process still warps the cards under humid conditions like the older sets.

Foil quality had a drop with the new card frame from Mirrodin, then was mostly consistent for about ten years until Innistrad, had a slight drop with RTR and then completely fell off a cliff starting with BfZ about 5 years ago.

Since then both the card stock itself and foils have continued to get worse to the point now that half of the time secret lair and collector booster foils now are either curled or even damaged straight out of box.

Considering the quality of the average foil today and the huge increase in foil prints in general that happened since Eldraine wotc has successfully killed the concept of foils being a rare, desireable version of a standard card with a premium price.

true, but I meant it's worth to invest in it if you got friends to play with. We go to events from time to time too

Idk how they get away with it. Pokemon does full-art holofoils that have none of these issues.

I don’t even get why people even like mgt foils. They’re just shiny versions of normal card. There’s nothing visually interesting or thought put into making them actually look good like in Pokémon or Yugioh.

Just outplay them bro, counterplay is reactionary so make them waste their resources on weaker shit before playing your bombs.

Blue is easy to counter. Just play like a fucking retard. They’ll overthink and counter things they shouldn’t. You don’t even need to sideboard to play against blue.

vomit everything and believe in the heart of cards