Playing a fantasy game full of creative races to pick from

>Playing a fantasy game full of creative races to pick from
>Picks human

Why the fuck do you even play the game then?

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What's wrong with being just a dude with a sword in a strange world?

>He picks a melee class too

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If it didn't have appeal it wouldn't be in the game. It's still fantasy. I'm not the lovechild of Adonis and Hercules riding through a vast landscape on my stallion in real life.

People that pick human have absolutely no personality.

Because only subhumans pick freakshit races

People who pick humans are literally brainlets who can't use their imagination to have fun. They must self insert as something they can relate too otherwise their brains shutdown and crumble.

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yes why pick human when you can pick
>ugly green deformed human
>tall human with pointy years
>human with dwarfism
>human with feathers

so many different options, so much variety!

That's literally me. Generic human, rides horse and dreaming about owning generic gothic castle.

This is why I find the empire fun in warhammer, just guys with big guns and big swords against evil heinous things

I want to play as myself because unlike you I am happy with who I am.

Human spirit > some faggot tree magic

What an insanely hypocritical take lmao

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what can I say, I guess i'm just a boring guy.

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>all items are designed for humans and look straight up stupid on other races

bonus points if quests, professions or consumable items make no sense on other races either

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>not playing as human supremacist

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This guy gets it. Same reason why Imperial Guard in 40k are my favorite.

That's a dumb thing to complain about, everyone has different preferences and gets different things out of fantasy games. I normally play as non-humans but I won't disparage anyone who plays as a human, there's plenty of fantasy stories from that perspective for a reason.

I don't play games for the diversity in races.

Every human player has been some kind of discord tranny

Return of Reckoning is the only MMO that does races right

You are incredibly stupid
It's precisely because we have imagination that we can pick human and still have fun
Not everything in fantasy has to be different skin colour/pointy hair, there are also different cultures/magic etc

Celebrate the human picker, for they deepen the contrast of the other races, uplifting the fantastical wonder of that not of the norm. Should the wishes of anti-humans be granted and all players committed to avoiding them, the uniqueness of your favourite furry face would be diminished. Do not admonish the stone for not being golden, celebrate it for letting gold be valuable.

Boring and cringe, was only funny back when we were all 15.

For me, it's an old human wizard

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>Orcs too intimidating :(
>Undead are scarewii :(
>Elf make pee pee feel funny :(
>Dwarf too manly :(
>Humans... Mmm yes thats the ones for me!

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Humans are the default race with small pee pees

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They're not my favourite but I love the imperial guard and mechanicus, I've got a serious penchant for dwarfs and goblins GW doesn't seem to share.

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Who are you quoting, schizo?

>uplifting the fantastical wonder of that not of the norm
>Human's are the most placed race in WoW

>Playing a fantasy game full of creative races to pick from
>Picks human
>fuck the women of the other races to assert dominance as the alpha

Why yes, I play as an archer thief, how could you tell ?

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Stop trying to sound smart you faggot.

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>bumbling old utility wizard
games for this feel?

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you aint fucking anyone with that small peeper. It won't even fit in an orc pussy.

>Orcs are one dimensional green people with clubs
>Undead are one dimensional deviants who are comedically evil for the sake of being evil
>Elfs are one dimensional supremacists assholes
>Dwarfs are one dimensional autistic manlets with a hard on for gold

sorry you're a retard?

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Says the guy who said "serious" before saying penchant which already emphases how much he likes something so there is no need to use serious infront of it.

Undead are usually not evil but seen as evil by the brainlet humans because they don't understand them. Human brainlet player confirmed.

I'm tapping away on my keyboard on a shitty weeb website filled with autistic shut-ins why the fuck would I doctor what I type? Is your autism firing up? Are you having a tantrum?

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>t. Lich

>Hahah i was just pretending to be retarded

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>Undead are usually not evil
>how are undead made

>No playable Lizardmen

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Options are:
Shortass with beard who is identical in all respects to every other of his race and can't do a load of shit without breaking character/setting
Pretty but old human
Ugly race
Brute retard race (usually ugly race)
Autism fetish race
Gimmick race

Of those, the only alternative that isn't a strict downgrade from human is Gimmick, and they're often shit or an afterthought.

>other players is human
>playing a class like warrior or mage
based dude

>elf, cat race or big fat gaylord man
>glasses or strange zebra stripes clothing
discord tranny with unhappy real life

I'm not pretending to be anything lol, I just dont care if you like how I type or not

would it help

if I started reddit spacing? Would

This upset you very much? Do you want me to call some

one? Maybe your mommy? maybe you want an orc to come

and scare away all the nasty humans who bully you? :(( :3

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>humans are one dimensional cunts

So edgy

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