Bought a vita because Yas Forums kept telling me that the PS1 emulation was flawless

>bought a vita because Yas Forums kept telling me that the PS1 emulation was flawless
>first game I try is Valkyrie Profile
>game freezes after intro cutscene
>no way to fix the random freezes, even if I bypass it with a save state

I can't believe Yas Forums tricked me again

Attached: 60.jpg (750x422, 30.87K)

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Wasn't there a PSP remake?

>Yas Forums tricked me again
Why do you keep falling for the memes, dude?
There's a reason the Vita sold poorly (besides the ridiculous pricing, low battery life and expensive proprietary memory cards).

How do you run it?

>believing strangers without doing your own research

You obviously did something wrong.

It's blurry as shit since the backgrounds are stretched to fit the PSP's screen and it also lacks some fixes from the PS1 version because japanese devs are insane

It's a common problem apparently

All this shit is a fucking meme from poorniggers.

Try Euro version

it's because of how the audio track seperates the first scene, and another one later.
i assume mednafen will load it properly on vita.

Attached: dansu-cape.gif (198x197, 3.74M)

PS1 isn’t flawless but it’s close because the PSP CPU is compatible with the instruction set of the PS1 CPU. The Vita includes one of the PSP CPUs but not the media engine 2nd CPU which is emulated (not sure if it was even utilized by PS1). There is still partial emulation involved and this is what can cause compatibility issues

The Media Engine CPU in the PSP was used to emulate PS1 audio. The Vita presumably emulates it on the Vita-mode ARM CPU.

>PS1 isn’t flawless but it’s close because the PSP CPU is compatible with the instruction set of the PS1 CPU.
That isn't enough. The PSP still has to do dynamic recompilation. Dynamic compilation is just way easier to do when the target and source arch are similar.
The PSP experiences the same incompatibilities with PS1 games as the Vita because they use the same emulation technique. PSP has access to POPStarter, though.

I'm going to give it a shot and let you know what I get on my end.

psp/ps1 emulation on vita is not flawless because you can't play rhythm games with the massive input lag

why would you emulate PS1 titles on Vita? I have a vita and i use that shit for vita/psp games (50+backlog on those combined).

I have had a lot more damn comfort emulating ps1 games on my pc, especially with the aspect ratio

Rock Band Unplugged works just fine for me.

>why would you emulate PS1 titles on Vita?
Sweet d-pad
Potato PC because I wasted my money buying shitty handhelds

I've literally played hundreds of PS1 games on the Vita and the only 2 I've ever been unable to get to work are VP and DQVII, I think they're both issues that could be resolved with proper popsloader support in adrenaline.

Was thinking of buying this shit. Thanks OP, will buy a ps4 instead.

Adrenaline isn't flawless. Some games has game breaking glitches without popsloader. What's popsloader you ask? Certain psp firmware has different psx emulator version. Some version runs games well some breaks the game. Without the popsloader you're basically fucked.

Here's the compatibility list if you want. It only works on the psp by the way.

Also, why the fuck are you playing the psx version? There's a psp version of VP.

I'm talking about more strict games like project diva or taiko no tatsujin

>PAL shit

what's wrong with pal nowadays? I thought games run at 60 fps now

buy a psp. cheap as fuck. easy to mod.

The Vita is a better PSP.

Gave it a go from a redump verified dump. Didn't even get it to boot the PS logo. Might have fucked up in the EBOOT conversion but I don't have time to give it another go.

>cheap as fuck
The vita and the PSP cost the same shit on my local CEX. Also, vita apologists said that that the vita is literally a PSP with adrenaline (except not really because popsloader only works on the PSP)

kek, it plays perfectly on a N3DS.

>The Vita is a better PSP.
no it isn't.
I have both and PSP/PS1 games look and play better on PSP.

..... But I you only wanna play JRPG it doesn't care I guess

I have both also and you're full of shit. Perhaps you don't use the correct bilinear scaler.

There's no good way to make PSP games look good on the Vita.
All scaling filters are awful, and using nearest neighbour is shit because the increased pixel density makes it look more aliased.

>bilinear scaler
I think games still look blurry as fuck, is there a way to upscale ps1 and psp?

>emulates a PSP
>But doesn't have POPsloader
For what purpose?

It doesn't emulate a PSP, it is a PSP in hardware. But the hardware is slightly different, namely it is missing the ME coprocessor. Most games don't use it or only use it through a high level API so the Vita can happily emulate that part of the system.
POPS and a few other homebrews use it directly, though, so you can't run those homebrews. Vita has its own POPS which is modified slightly, but this means that PSP versions of POPS won't work.

Have you noticed how bad the Vita screen’s conditions are? People are fucking animals

I'm using "Sharp bilinear" and it looks fine. Also, leave PS1 games at Original not Normal. This keeps it a perfect integer scale.

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