Why yes, I am going to buy TLoU2 ultimate edition. How could you tell?

Why yes, I am going to buy TLoU2 ultimate edition. How could you tell?

Attached: G.webm (640x640, 2.51M)

>heart attack before 50

>Why yes, I am going to buy TLoU2 ultimate edition. How could you tell?

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> all the pajeets

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I've heard it's harder for tall folk to keep a good posture. Obviously it's true to some extent, but is it a notable difference?

why do they all treat him like some freak monster
tallbro doesn't deserve this

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this achievable natty?

It's not like they're being mean user, they're just amazed at the sheer size of this lad

I can tell by the fact that you're playing life on baby mode and even then used cheats.

How fucking tall is he? 7'?

7'2 (2.18m)

Is that a Space Marine?

Someone post that one webm with the stretch armstrong built fucker

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he looks really uncomfortable when walking
i know that walk very well
looks like being a tall nordic god still doesn't help you if you have anxiety and shyness issues

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Nevermind that, check out that fucking hover hand

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I remember praying to God when I was a kid to keep me under 5'11 so I could be astronaut

I couldn't reach my dreams

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Imagine being this guy. Imagine having the ability to just cruise through life in easy mode just because you won the genetic lottery and were genetically programmed to be 7'+. Guy probably doesn't even have to open his mouth and pussy will still find a way to land on his massive cock.

Why are you talking to me from across the other side of street?

I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Go back to your incel forum.

roastie detected

I had bad posture for a long time, you look too much down at little people, but now I corrected my posture and I feel even taller

Based Dutch master race.

Attached: masterrace.png (1275x714, 1.47M)

6', he's in USA

>you look too much down at little people
Yeah I thought that'd be a factor. So it's nothing to do with your size?

>no beaners, niggers or fat people
That's not the US.

His knees are fucked and buckling

He gets completely walk-mogged by everyone around him

Only women get jealous at sexy women they said. Men see sexy men as inspiration they said.

6'4 30yo programmer

I had to train since I was 20 not to fuck my back. Also yoga helps

>t. seething manlet

>Imagine having the ability to just cruise through life in easy mode
Not really, he's about as healthy as a fat man. Extreme tallness caused by a genetic defect with growth hormone, the organs of the body aren't designed to deal with such size.

That's why seeing a genuine super tall old person (even accounting for shrinkage) is a fucking rarity. You'll never be a grandfather if you're over 7 feet tall.

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I really don't know, maybe that too, but like, a guy with 1,80, goes to live in a place with a lot of tall people like Germanistan, maybe he doesn't need to look down so much and his posture won't be affected that much.

>Men see sexy men as inspiration they said.
I'm mirin the muscles, but there's honestly nothing to derive "inspiration" from in some guy who was just genetically programmed to be 7'+. It's something I will never be able to achieve no matter how much work I put into.