David Brevik, designer on Diablo 1, was one of the people to chip in and offer their opinion on Diablo 4...

>David Brevik, designer on Diablo 1, was one of the people to chip in and offer their opinion on Diablo 4, doing so in a positive key.
>"Overall, I think that Diablo 4 looks good", he said. He then went on to point out how Blizzard looks towards the grittier Diablo 2 when it comes to the upcoming ARPG's graphics, calling the gothic-inspired artstyle "cool".
>Another point Brevik brought up was how Diablo 4 marks a return to skill trees, which were absent from Diablo 3. He then concluded with saying that "Overall, it seems like something that I would design."

Boys... is Diablo back on the menu?

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haha more like gayablo lmao
I might play it idk

How do you want items to be?

Diablo 3 is boring as fuck, and I think mostly because of the really uninspired story.


Yeah, it's back on the menu for casual kiddies looking to play their first ARPG. Path of Exile > Diablo. Come at me, Blizztards.

>David "Hellgate" Brevik

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I’d rather the devs just make Common, Magic, and Rare items more competitive for gear slots.

Atk/Def being removed or replaced with Str/Dex/Int/Vit doesn’t actually change that.

There’s also no reason not to keep Str/Dex/Int/Vit stats over Atk/Def if those stats don’t contribute to meaningful gameplay. So on that front, unless traditional stats are going to have synergy with other systems and actually contribute to meaningful character building – I’m fine without them.

Brevik is cool and all, but I don't really care about his opinion on this trash. It still looks bad.

Diablo 1 gameplay isnt very good honestly, the game gets carried by the art and atmosphere, and the series gets carried by later titles

its either dead on arrival or goat
it all depends on Path of Exile 2 actually being able to deliver a better experience than the shit show the game is right now

Just gonna make it obvious you're new huh?

Imagine how bad it should be if the core person who should be pushing this garbage says it's "good". "Good" is not enough from multibillion corporation which takes 10 years to make a game.

Remember when Blizzard actually meant quality and best games on the market? Yeah, me neither.

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Art isn't the problem. It's about boring ass systems of pretty much everything

fucking no you retard

Any time I think this place can't get any worse I see these reddit type "omg get hype bros!" threads for some pozzed garbage series from some triple A dev who hasn't made a good game for at least 10 years. Yeah dude Blizzard only sold out to Chinks, fucked every project and game up in recent history but I guess you're right THIS time it's going to be different.

I fucking hate zoomers.

PoE a shit too, this comes from somebody almost done with delirium wings

like ten years ago get hyped/im hyped threads were the norm.
Then you fucks showed up.

Well, you can't have highs without your lows, like Shinji "Dino Crisis 3'' Mikami


Hey that's misinfo, that's a game by RE3 director and he didn't recover since.

PoE a good fuck you

>d4's current state is so bad, that they had to exhume actual ex-blizztard staff to tell the fans that its "good"

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No game's perfect but poe has been living every other arpg ever made in the dirt since 2012.

He shouldn't cuck to them after what Jay Wilson and those facebook faggots did.

You clearly have no idea who David "fuck that guy" Brevik is.

He's right to say it looks better and closer to the Diablo franchise than D3 but one quick look at the inventory and a closer look at the textures shows it's just built upon the D3 engine. It might be a decent solo experience but poe 2 will shit on it.

>You clearly have no idea who David "fuck that guy" Brevik is.
That's not the point here, nigger.

They could interview the emperor himself for all I care, the game still looks like shit and Blizzard has a terrible track record

It is, you're just clueless lol.

>last year
>wanting to play Diablo 2 for the first time again since the beginning
>look up all the games that came since that put themselves forward as "like Diablo 2" and they're all fucking gimmicks
>just reinstall Diablo 2

Diablo 2 and some of it's mods perfectly refined the formula but companies keep adding shit and fucking it up.
Also, NONE of these cunts could do a dark gothic setting, delete all cues you have ever taken from World Of Warcraft.

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poe has terrible gameplay

As much as I'd like to believe that, I have no reason to believe he isn't on the payroll, and thus incentivized to say that shit.
I'm just not interested. I lost interest in d3 after they removed the auction house either. Bad, sure, but at least I could profit off it. Remove that and what was left, mediocre arpg.

fuck that loser

>perfectly refined the formula
D2 is far from perfect. Actually it's full of terrible flaws. It simply was the precursor of the genre.
I agree with your dark gothic statement though.

>thread about diablo
>poe fags always bring up their game
Absolutely fucking no one gives a flying fucking shit about your dead BR infested chink spybot p2w one ability passive button mashing failure of a game

Go fuck a sheep you retarded fucking kiwis

I wouldn't expect much. So far gearing and skill "trees" look primitive and boring. Let alone fucking runewords with JUST TWO runes.
I think they prioritize the art style and "muh embrace dorkness" too much and miss the whole point. D3 wasn't bad because it looked cartoonish and vibrant. It was bad because there's no meaningful choices in building a character. Everything looks and plays the same pretty much, and if you don't like the build then.. what, what's a build? Lol just swap the skills and get that sick loot lmao

>pretends to shit about PoE
>proceeds to perfectly sum up the entire Diablo series
