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human smoke

Both of them are the biggest mouthbreather characters for faggot timmies who want to skip the skill based part of any fighting game and conveniently enough 99% of the MK playerbase evolves past these faggot ninjas and plays/ likes someone else. Nobody but shitters and a few braindead pajeets play scorpion or sub zero in MK11

Tremor is the best ninja. Change my mind.

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I lik dem blu niggas

Noob Saibot

Sub Zero > Scorpion


Mortal Kombat died years ago. Now its mainstream trash.

Scorpion but with Ice powers.


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blue characters>green characters>red characters>>>shit>>>yellow characters

Tremor has barely even appeared in anything and he has nothing in common with the "ninjas" now. Scorpion and Sub zero are both built around mouthbreather tools that force everyone else to play their pathetic little game and depending on the state of the meta its either insufferably in the favor of said ninjas or its just a matter of patience and punishing what little timmy wants to do in his special ED excercise. Tremor was completely reinvented in MKX and he wasnt a character that pandered to brainlets in the same way scorpion or sub zero does. You actually have to use tremors entire kit to make him function whereas with scorpion or sub the rest of their moveset is built around their braindead neutral dominating tools like the teleport or the slide/ ice moves. As long as timmy can threaten you with the spear and the teleport or the ice ball or ice clone or the instant slide youre forced to let them move around and do other things

For me? I'll take both at the same time

Scorpion is more fun to play.
Sub Zero is a cooler person.

You think you're cool but you're not. And your fact is wrong. Scorpy-kun is the superior skellington.


Maybe you're just bad.

spit roasted or DA?

t. retard who hasn't figured out how to deal with zoning for 20 years
I used to take quarters from shitters like you with Mileena back in the day in the arcade for free

MK was always mainstream trash
It got 2 theatrical movies and a tv show for fucks sakr

Ice > Fire

BOTH at the SAME time
dp uwu

For me, it's rain

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Well "argued" troglodyte. I just told you in detail why scorpion and sub zero pander to retards and that depending on if the characters are strong or not its going to affect how annoying it is to deal with said garbage

Are you fucking retarded? Scorpion or sub zero arent "zoners", in fact they are characters who are impossible to zone because they control neutral with tools that are impossible to beat out with anything but baiting them out into a punish. The slide is unreactable, the ice ball absorbs all projectiles into full combo, the teleport punishes anything into full combo, the spear doesnt let you move around at all etc etc. Both characters are entirely based around letting little timmy hang himself with unsafe moves where the only option is to let them do it and die in the process. You literally know nothing about fighting games if you think it isnt a strong and bullshit tool that the second you do anything but block scorpion can teleport into full combo so he can handicap you into doing nothing but turtling and so he can just skip the entire process of any actual neutral or keepaway and just dash in for a mixup. Both characters are more retarded than ever in MK11 because reborb scorpion has the fakeout teleports that arent even punishable and sub zero has a 3 way mixup between a grab/autoshimmy that cant be option selected, an overhead or a staggerable hitconfirmable low string that can go into another shimmy very easily


Chinese Ninja Warrior > Lost Soul


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>Ermac forever cucked because they added some literally who blind swordsman with the same gimmick
Why did they do my boy dirty?

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>I just told you in detail
Honestly I don't know anything about Mortal Kombat or anything like that, I just wanted to rile you up lmao

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