Video games as an industry can be likened to a man ejaculating a load he's been edging for decades

Video games as an industry can be likened to a man ejaculating a load he's been edging for decades.

The boner begins with the NES/Master System, it dribbles pre cum with the SNES/Megadrive. When the PS1 and N64 show up he's shooting strong, powerful, thick, viscous, ropey strands of cum that continue to throb and pulse through to the end of the PS2/Gamecube era. By the time the PS3/Wii show up the party is over, you get a handul of post orgasm spurts in that era, little grunty trickles reminiscent of the days of the PS1/PS2/N64/Gamecube but that's it. The PS4/Wii U era is the post fap piss while you still have half a boner and it burns and just leaves you feeling fed up and annoyed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So this is what happens when you do nothing but think with your penis.

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i am the penis

thanks for putting me off my morning fap
please make this thread again tomorrow

Best post on v.

how sad do you have to be to beg for attention on fucking Yas Forums of all places? I'd say kys but that's redundant at this point isn't it?

Whats in the links?

Gay smut.

He used to spam his twitter
I think the links are his twitter and pornhub

Any good?

meant for

new video never

It depends on your taste. I'm certainly not going to be for everyone. I'm a rather feminine boy that likes to crossdress and likes it in the butt.
Probably when I make my cosplay, but I've been lazy since all cons are being cancelled.


All the ones near me have, anyway. I was getting some together for PAX, FFXIV fanfest and Sakuracon but Sakuracon was cancelled this year and the other two will probably end up cancelled too due to how long this thing is dragging on.


You're only gay because you were molested or you got rejected by women your whole life.

Which cons, who were you going as?


Post spread butt

I've had an unfortunate amount of women come on to me in my life, I feel bad telling them I'm not attracted to them that way. I don't recall ever being molested however.
Those ones, I have been working slowly on outfits for Jessie from FF7R, Lyna from FFXIV and Higgs from Death Stranding.

The top link should have some of that somewhere.

>literal fag is more buff than me
I want to fucking die

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not sure if coomer or faggot

actually prolly both

I got that from working out 3 times a week for about 6 months. It's not a ton of work and you'll see even greater gains if you're doing arm isolations, which I was specifically avoiding. You can do it user, I believe in you! I can give you some routine tips if you'd like.

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A TLOU2 leak shitposting thread died for this

Dude I'm fucking faggot too and you can literally get that in less than a few months. Just stop being lazy.

Post them when you're finished, with you in them.

I lifted and ate like Yas Forums said for 6 months and I just went from being a skinnyfat faggot to a skinny faggot.
post more bulge pics please

Attached: D4l1ts5U0AAj6LX.jpg (1152x2048, 218.95K)

I intend to, no promises on dates though since all those cons are likely cancelled.

Cute legs user.

lawl faggots

Funny, I think it's the first time I pay attention to the moans
My dick

Sighed audibly at this thread.


Will do. I tried to take some now but they didn't turn out so great since I usually use a tripod for this kind of thing. I'm serious about the advice thing, I'm happy to help anyone who is interested in improving.
Thank you user.
Just imagine them in your ear then. Then imagine me moaning your name.

Attached: 1561540618905.jpg (617x536, 127.44K) twry5ma vxempnb

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>tfw no bf

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