So is this game now worth buying for 34.99 british pounds of sterling silver?

So is this game now worth buying for 34.99 british pounds of sterling silver?

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Maybe. Fucking no

I don't know.

Could you repeat the question?

id wait for 80% or higher discount in christmas or next black friday sale
or at least when theres a full offline functionality

Why? Its going to be f2p after starfield release

God no.

I bought it for Fifty Five Dollaridoos after me best mate got it a day after it came out on steam. We've been playing it every day since, shit's fun to fuck around in. it's better than anything else this year, that's for fuckin' sure.
Then again I liked Fallout 4 as a mindless shooter despite it's horrendous failing as an RPG. 76 just takes everything that was half decent from 4 and refines it to the point where it's half decently put together.

Game's fun but only get it if you've got a mate who's also gonna get into it. You're not a friendless retard, right?

they were trying to get rid of it for 5 after it flopped hard lmao


An online Fallout where you run around and occasionally see other people who ignore you is not really fun. Entering an area to do some exploring and looting and having another player come running down the corridor dragging higher level mobs with him is not fun. Also mods.

YOURE NOT cool for making this shitposting thread everyday you faggot

it's ur money so just go with it. also if ever play FNV so many times back then you will in a surprise how bethesda copied-paste many quests structure from FNV into this Wastelanders update LOL


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It's worth £10 at most.

>Force you to play always online with random people
>Offer to let you play alone for money

I still cant believe the audacity of these niggers Bethesda is done.

it's not even worth your time if you get it for free
>inb4 "its fun with friends!"
no shit fucktard, they're my friends. Everything is fun where I can dick around with them, that's why they're my friends. Fucking moving to a new place can be an overall enjoyable experience with them, I've done it.

If you thought Fallout 4 unmodded was atleast a 7.5/10, then 76 will probably be playable.
The NPCs dont change anything with the core game, if you thought the game was ok if it just had less bugs when it came out, its gonna be ok now

Stop lying, Todd. No sane person would play this game without getting paid to do so.

>You're not a friendless retard, right?

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No. I recently got back into it, only solo (I played with a friend at launch). With a friend, it's really fun in a free-shitty-game-you-casually-fuck-around-in kind of way. Solo it's the worst fuckin piece of shit I've ever tainted my xbox with. Just rife with retard bugs and anti-fun elements that haven't changed since launch. And these things range from boredom-inducing, to annoying, to realizing at level 45 that your character kindof sucks because Todd is a retard.

It's worth $0 if you're alone. Maybe $10 if you're with a friend.

35 pounds? Hell. I bought it for 10$ on cdkeys.
It is worth 10$. Solo campaign is ok. World is suprisingly nice and comfy at times. And even its mediocrity can't bring down concept of playing with friends.
> Quests are often awful to be done together as they are not shared. So often each player is at different part of the quest. So you don't do it together.
> Most of events are horrifyingly bad. It's usually just bad horde mode.
What works for us is just exploring stuff and doing subquests independantly.
Oh, and interface on PC is fucking horrible. So if you don't mind paying 10$ for 6/10 game with wonky combat, good exploration, ok solo campaign and awful multiplayer quests - you can go for it.
I'd never buy it for 35 pounds.

It's always worth to pay to see the yanks killing each other in the ruins and ashes of something that could've been an orderly part of our empire. Serves them bloody yanks right.

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Some things are more fun with friends than others. Take, for instance, going to the beach vs rating the ice cubes in your freezer based on taste.

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Hey Todd, will we have to pay for mods in Skyrim 2?

If you liked fallout 4 then yes, its actually just a better version of that, despite what you might have been told, if you're a fan of just wandering around and looting shit it might be the best game of that 'genre', especially since you can do it with a friend

We are not planning to change our mod policy with Skyrim II. That means you still can pay for your mods to ensure their quality and to have a fair way of supporting your favorite modders in our store. You see that skin in your favorite unemployed beggars stream? You can take up a mortage for that!

it's a shittier, babbier RUST with a Fallout skin slapped on it that's 100% safe and your base logs off with you.
It's also full of p2w and DLC.

Just buy something like Conan Exiles instead.

Its fun if you go in expecting to just muck about with no intention of spending extra dosh.

Once the new game honeymoon leaves youll notice somethings

1. Cant hit enemies even though nothing is in the way. Hit boxes are still wonky
2.Animations still bug out alot. Youll see tons of things that die standing up and you have to search for invisible bodies
3.Loot from safes sucks level 0 safes contain just about the same shit as level 3
4.lag, still happens and youll lag around every now and then.
5. areas scale to the first person that enters them. so sometimes when you do a quests in an area of higher levels you run in to level 50s at level 5.
6.things now have hard skill checks, persusation, hacking, strength, lockpicking and anything else is a hard skill check like new vegas.

you can now earn atoms in game, but never enough to get cool shit. I've put 20 hours in and earned 5$ worth of atoms, and its dropped off towards then end.
tl:dr. yes****** if you can put up wiht the bullshit.

or if you dont like fallout 4 then no. Its online fallout 4

OH and if you have an AMD Card they have a reflections bug. all metal looks super shiny.